When you
look at your life, what do you see? The things that are wrong with it? Or the
thing that are good? The unfortunate fact is that most people tend to look at
the negative. I hate my job, I hate my weight, I need more money, etc. the list
can go on and on.
Something that
we need to do as a whole in our society is to stop looking at what others have
and what we don’t, and start looking at what we do have. What are you thankful
for? It isn’t something that you should just pay attention to around the
holidays. You should keep these things in mind all year around. Thankful for
family? Friend? Actually having a job? Having a home? Sometimes it is the
little things. Sometimes it’s very important things.
Living a life
where you are constantly negative is going to turn you into a very negative
person. It will also turn you into a very jealous person. Nobody wants to be
around people life that.
Look in the
mirror, instead of saying what you don’t like, tell yourself what you do? We
all have flaws, to help give ourselves more positivity we need to start with ourselves!
Society gives us the perception that we have to be perfect, which isn’t
possible. Individuality is what makes each and every one of us beautiful.
We all have
negative moments, we are human. We must try to be optimistic and not dwell on
the negative. Look at it as negative for a second, that is typically the first reaction,
but the secret weapon is ot say “ok that sucks, but….” Find the positive. If
you have to change something, change it. If it can’t be changed, deal with it
and learn from it.
Personally I
have every reason to be so negative right now. I am trying my best not to be
negative and I try to focus on the good. Of course I have bad days, but don’t let
them get the best of me. No job, I keep applying. Disappointing my parents, I know
one day it won’t be that way. Hate where I live, I’m making the best of it. I just
keep moving forward, not backwards.
Don’t hold yourself
back with a negative attitude. No one wants to be around someone who is
constantly negative and complaining. It’s ok to vent to people, but make sure
it doesn’t consist of only the negative. Make a point to look at the positive.