Saturday, November 7, 2015

Learn from the past

We all have done things that maybe haven't turned out for the best, but it still happened. In life we are going to go through things that will be fine, and others that we wish we could have a do over. Unfortunately in this crazy thing we called life, do overs don't really exist.

Whether is was a bad relationship, a horrible choice in jobs, or.maybe even something family related, we can all take something away from it.

My example would be that the last job I worked, may-september, was not a good fit for me. The stress of it was making me sick and I felt like I was losing grip of my life! I made the decision to quit the job and find another, but I will always take the skills I learned on that job with me. It was a short time, but I feel I learned to be a better person and to have more patience. I have nightmares about working there still and it haunts me, but there was a plus side to it.

We learn from so many things on a daily basis. A failed relationship will help you realize what you really want from a significant other. A job choice that doesn't fit you can help you determine what does suit you for a career path.  Bad choices in friends also shine light on what type of people you want to be around.

We all make mistakes and it makes us human, just learn from them. Grow as a person because of what you have been through. Give advice when you see someone going through something similar.

There are things in my life that I constantly think about when thinking ant the past. I also think about how fast I have come since that has happened and what I have done to grow and learn from it.

I moved to georgia, failed and moved back home, but you better believe I'm saving up money to do it all over again (moving to Tennessee this time) because I learned from what didn't go right with the move to georgia and I'm not giving up.

I an a big believer of "everything happens for a reason". We might not know why now, but some day it will make sense. I tend to focus on the past more than I should and I am always thinking about how far I have come. I am proud of the person I have become because of what I have gone though in my life. I won't let the past hold me back. Don't let it hold you back.

Learn, breathe, and grow. Life moves on, so can you

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