Monday, February 15, 2016

take your own advice!

So let me ask you a question. Do you ever have talk with your friends and give them advice? The next question I am going to ask is, do you ever say to yourself that you need to take your own advice? I do this all the time!!!! Thinking to myself that I need to actually use the advice I am giving to other people and use it in a way that benefits me as well!

Think about it for a second…. If you could have a conversation with yourself, what would you talk about and what would you say. “Work isn’t going very well”, how do you respond to that. What would you tell your friends? My typical response to someone who is complaining about their job is to look at the bigger picture. Is there something better out there? Would you be happier somewhere else?  Are you just complaining to complain? Let’s be honest, we all do that. if I were to complain to myself about my job, I would tell myself to shut up. My job, yea it doesn’t pay a million bucks, but they are going to pay for me to get my master’s degree. Saving that cost alone is worth staying at my job. I do actually like my job though! It might get boring sometimes, but what job doesn’t. If you’re going to talk to someone who doesn’t like their job, and you don’t like your job, then you need to sit down and look at the bigger picture and ask yourself is it worth staying where you are, or would you really be happy seeking out another job…

Relationship advice is one thing I actually hate talking to people about. I can do it and I will give my friends my opinion if they ask for it, but I have no room to talk in the relationship area. Let me explain myself a little bit. I have been single, not in an actual relationship for about 5 years now. I have casually dated, but have not gotten into anything serious. I have trust issues and just have it in my head that when the right guy comes around, I will let him in. Sooooo, I’m not holding my breath for Mr. Right at the moment. I have friends that are in serious relationships and always are I relationships so if ever they come to me to talk about their guy, I give it from my perspective, but that is all I can do. I cannot really relate. I kind of lose in that department. If I had to talk with myself about being in a relationship or getting into a new relationship with someone, I would quickly change the subject. I hate being alone and yes it would be nice to have someone in my life, but I don’t ever want to settle. I want to skip the dating part and just attend my wedding tomorrow to the man I love…… back to reality; I hope I’m not alone forever. I would talk to myself about how I really feel about dating, things that maybe I don’t talk to my friends about because, just like I can’t relate to being in a relationship at the moment, they cannot relate to being single. And they cannot fully understand why I have stayed single for so long. Long story short on this one. If you had to talk to yourself about the relationship that you are in, would you talk about why you’re happy? Why you might not be so happy? If you’re single, what would you say. “I’m waiting for Mr. right to walk into my life?” “I’m still not over my ex?” all of the things that could be said, you just have to be honest with yourself J give yourself some clarity on your own life!

Life in general is something that I need to take my own advice on. Follow your dreams! Yea, I’m still not doing that. Live with no regrets! Again, I’m failing! Sit back and review your life, as a whole. Family, you happy? If not, help make your relationships better. Talk to yourself as an outsider looking in. My mom and I still fight, I need to shut up and not argue.  Work, you happy? If not, what do you need to change? Is it just your mentality? Everyone hates working, but we can’t all win the lottery, or be rich. We have to suck it up and adult. Now your lifestyle is also something that you should take a look at. I would sit myself down and tell myself to step it up! Meaning with my workouts! I am doing well with the healthy lifestyle part of it, but working out is important also. I don’t make excuses, I just hate working out. I don’t get that workout high that some people get, I actually don’t feel good after I work out and that is because my body overheats really easily, so I have to be really careful or I will pass out because of it. I have found a workout program that really works for me and I just try to stay motivated! Now, how is your lifestyle? Are there things that you would change? Sit yourself down and really talk about it. Think about it, if you want to change something, don’t just say you will. Actually, do it!


So many different things that can be put into a conversation. If you think the thought of talking things out to yourself isn’t something that you want to do, then go to your friends. If you don’t like the advice they give you, then you know that you need to think or an alternative for whatever the situation is. Just really think about things and I guess when I say that, think about the things that you want to change in your life and figure out how to do that, and if you cannot change it then figure out how you need to change to be happy with it.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

It's a new year.

Start fresh.

I love when the new year gets here because I feel like it is a way to evaluate myself and how I have been living and allow myself to fix done things. I'm not big into the typical resolutions of "I wanna lose weight", "I want to get healthy", etc. Granted yes, I want to do that, but that is a life goal, not just for this year.

I am into resolutions that are going to benefit me. My resolution is to not spend my money on things I don't need. I have student loans and as I'm getting older, my bills are getting larger. I don't want to worry about money because I bought two new purses and a pair of boots.... I have to be honest with myself and get ahead in a world that cost so much.

In the last year, I'm not exactly happy with how it went, so I want to make better decisions. I'm going to start my masters. I'm going to save money. I'm going to focus on myself since I am all I have. Meaning no significant other. I give myself an F for the first part of the year, but a B for the later part of the year. I going for an A in 2016.

Reflect on all that you have done in the previous year and really think about what you need to do to make this year better. Did you first? Keep it up. Did you gain weight and want tiki lose it? There is no time like the present to start a new healthy life. Want to save money? Learn to budget. Want to move? Plan. New job? Go for it. :)

I moved home. Fail, but I'm saving money to try again. I started dieting and have lost 30 pounds. Win, but I'm still going. :) I got a new job I hated, fail, but I then for a new job I am happy with. I have to look at the positive and negative.

I know the whole "new year, new you" thing is pretty standard among a lot of people, but take it seriously. Whatever you want to do...... Why not start now? Don't put things off. Oprah is doing weight watchers and her whole thing is "if not now, when?". I feel that needs to be said for songwriting in like that you want to do. Go for it. :)