Sunday, February 8, 2015


  • A person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection.

It is important that you have someone in your life that you consider a friend. Someone that you can talk to and someone that you trust.

Find a friend that makes you a better you.

To be honest, I really only have one friend that I really talk to. We talk a few times a week and I am very thankful that I have her. The best part about the friendship is that we both care how each other is doing. If I’m having a bad day, she listens, if she’s having a bad day, I listen. The 12 hour distance between us sucks because I would love to have a girl’s night with her. Drink wine, eat stuff that we will regret later, and just talk. I wish it were that easy. I love her and I miss her. The best part about the possibility of moving back to Illinois is that we will eventually be roommates! If I move back I at least have that to look forward to. I have other friends that I talk to. One that calls me every once in a while and I can’t blame her for not being in contact more, she works a lot, but still I feel forgotten sometimes and we were so close when I lived in Illinois. I have another friend who we were close and we talk every once in a while, but it’s never really about how our lives are going, it’s about random stuff and then the conversation is over.

I had this coming to me when I up and left Illinois. With the possibility of having to go back constantly in the back of my mind and closely approaching,  a week away if no job, I need to figure out what friendships are worth keeping if I go back and even if I stay.

I don’t ever want to be someone who is a friend that you call when there is nothing else to do and I am that to a few people right now. It shows how many friends you actually have when barely anyone checks up on you since you moved 12 hours away. A simple “hi, how are you test” would work. I don’t need constant communication. It is ok, people drift part.

The whole point of this post is that I want to stress the importance of having a good friend. You can’t have as many friends as you choose, but how many can you really count on? Figure that out and keep those friends close to your heart. It is ok to have one really good friend and a bunch of acquaintances. It is also ok to have more than one best friend. What is important that you figure out who you can get along with and who you can trust with anything?

Who would you call at 3 a.m. just to talk? Who would come help you if your car broke down? Simple questions like that are how you figure that out. I have one answer to all of those. I also have friends who I would consider as a second or third call, but I would probably call my parents before I call them. Finding good friends can be hard. I of course have no friends living near me and it makes it hard, but a good friend will stay in touch.

Friendship is important. The whole marry your best friend thing, I cannot wait for that. To have a person there that I can talk to about anything, as well as also having my best friend to call when my husband is driving me nuts. J Friends have a powerful impact on our lives. Looking back now on who I have been friends with in the past and who I am friends with now is a definite difference. We discover who we really are as we grow up and our life experiences will bring us close to people and then take us farther away from them also. The real friends stick.

I keep to myself a lot and I tend to keep my problems to myself, it’s just how I am, but I like that I have a friend who I can talk to about my problems if I do decide to talk about them. That’s what everyone needs to look for, someone who listens, someone who is honest even if the honesty isn’t what you want to hear, and someone who simply cares about how you’re actually doing.

Find a friend that makes you a better you.

I know that I will have to find all new friends because eventually they will probably be gone, unless I have found a friend for life. Of course I won't know that until I am a lot older to see if they are still around. Time will tell. We shall see.

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