Sunday, March 29, 2015

Believe In Yourself.

Believe: to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so.

The best way to accomplish something is to believe that you can do it. If you go into something thinking you are going to fail, then you will. Remember though, failure is ok, as long as you don’t give up when it happens. The best way to prepare yourself for failure is knowing it can happen, but knowing it isn’t going to stop you. Go into everything knowing you can do it. If failure happens, you choose another route to accomplish your goal and your dreams. Be scared, that’s ok. Be nervous, that’s expected. Be you, that’s the point.

You need to believe in yourself and what you do. Be tenacious nd genuine. – Christian Louboutin

If you want something, go after it. Believe that it is worth it! Know that it is worth it. The saying, “anything is possible if you put your mind to it” is true. It might take time, but it is true. You have to know that you have what it takes to accomplish what you want. You have to know that you are the only person who can stand in your way. Everyone else can have an influence on you, but you are the only one who says, “I’m going to do this” or “I can’t do this”. It is all a part of being realistic and getting a plan together is great. Write it all down!

When people don’t believe in you, you have to believe in yourself. – Pierce Bronsan

In our lifetime we are going to run into so many people who are going to tell you that your ideas are stupid, you aren’t being realistic, it’s not going to happen, you’re going to fail so why try, etc. etc. etc. it is never going to stop. Unfortunately that is the society we live in. You will have your supporters, the ones who won’t give up on you and are going to help push you. Keep those people close, but don’t let the negative people bring you down. They have no clue what is going to happen. You have no clue what is going to happen. It could be all you have hoped for and it could be anything but a fairytale ending. Don’t let the doubts scare you.

Your success depends mainly upon what you think of yourself and whether you believe in yourself. – William J.H. Boetcker

Personal experience: my family thought I was nuts to move to Georgia and even the thought of wanting to move to Nashville is ridiculous. Well I moved to Georgia not knowing what was going to happen and even though nothing went the way it was supposed to, I still went. I also am not going to give up on Nashville. I have plans and now I just have to start getting them together.

You can have all the tools in the world but if you don’t genuinely believe in yourself, it’s useless – Ken Jeong

Whatever you want, new job, new location, weight loss, etc. go for it. Motivate yourself to get whatever needs done, done. Look to friends and family for support and even those who might think you’re crazy, listen, and take what they say and put a plan into motion so that if things don’t go the way you expected, you have a different plan so that what they fear will happen, doesn’t.

It’s no good being easily swayed by people’s opinions. You have to believe in yourself. – Donatella Versace

Make yourself comfortable with what you are about to do. What are your fears? Write them down and take the steps to make sure those fears can be put at a minimum. You can accomplish anything. ANYTHING!! Remember that it is ok to fail, most people do! Giving up though, that is your call. If you don’t want to give up, don’t. Do not let others affect your dreams. I have said in other post that sometimes our dreams and wants can change, that doesn’t mean you’re giving anything up, that means you’re starting something new.  

You know, you do need mentors, but in the end, you really just need to believe in yourself. – Diana Ross

Always have something that you’re working for. It makes life fun and interesting. It makes things so rewarding when we reach our goals. Have a goal and believe you can achieve it. You can achieve it.

If you believe in yourself and feel confident in yourself, you can do anything. I really believe that. – Karlie Kloss

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Nothing is Impossible

If you want something, it is up to you to go get it. Life is not supposed to or going to be handed to you on a silver platter. To make our dreams come true we have to work for it. That is what makes it so rewarding when we finally reach our goals.

Nothing is impossible. It is simply put that you can achieve anything you want if you put your mind to it. Nothing is ever over with until you say it is. How many times do you think people who are living their dreams right now were told no. I bet more times than they can count on their hands. You can chose to believe it or you can tell them their wrong.

Take advice when needed and listen to what others have to say. Sometimes the advice will help you, and sometimes the advice is only trying to hinder your efforts. Believe in yourself and get the job done. Ask for help if it is needed. Find support that will keep you on track and stay motivated to get to the place that you want to be.

I get told that Nashville is a stupid dream. For the fact that I don’t know what I want to do when I get there. Well I have a college degree so what I want to do is get a job. The idea of living in Nashville is simply something that makes me happy. I don’t feel happy when I’m in Illinois. I feel the need to constantly be thinking about a way to get out. Same with Georgia. The feeling has existed everywhere I have lived, so naturally I want to follow my heart to where it’s telling me to go.  I know what I want and that is all that matters. I will get to where I want/need to be someday. If it turns out that Nashville isn’t the place for me… I have the whole world. I can live anywhere.

Some dreams are harder to achieve which means that it takes that much more effort. Don’t let that slow you down. Life is not the easiest thing to deal with sometimes, but it’s only as bad as you make it.

I feel as though my life is just beginning, who cares that I’ve been here for 23 years. I just graduated college, I’m not getting my masters right now, and all I want to do is get to a location where I can make my life happen. Of course things are going to happen before I get there. I could be 26 or even 30 before I get to Nashville, but I’m not giving up on the possibility of it.

As I said not all dreams are extremely hard to achieve. A goal is a dream to me. And a dream is a goal. Simple goals like wanting to stop drinking pop or even wanting to start going on a walk every night. Those aren’t going to be considered hard when comparing them to maybe moving to another country. Obviously dreams come in all varieties. Getting a promotion, becoming a photographer, graduating college, landing the perfect job, getting married, buying a puppy, and on and on and on they go. No matter what there is no dream too small and no dream to big. Just remember that whatever the size of the dream means that that is the amount of work needed to be put in to achieve it!

Don’t let life tear you down. Don’t let your dreams slip away! Continue to dream and continue to try and make those dreams come true! No matter what your dreams are, they’re yours for a reason. They mean something to you. Don’t let them go because someone might say that you can’t do it. Don’t let them go because things are hard. It’s not impossible. Work hard and one day you will thank yourself because you didn’t give up. One day people are going to be so proud of you because you proved them wrong. Know that you can do anything. Who cares what life says and what people say. Follow your heart.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Spend Time With Family.

Where would we all be without our family members? Some relationships might not be great, but family is forever. You can have friends that you consider family. Blood relation isn't everything.

Look to your family for guidance and advice. I ask my mom questions all the time. She was my age once and went through thing that I am going thing at some point in her life. They are here to give advice and to help, talking can do wonders. I talk to cousins and aunts and uncles and get their viewpoint on things. Sometimes they give it without asking, listen.

Family is extremely important. As I said earlier it can be friends that you call family as well. It’s important to stay in communication with the family members you are close to. Those relationships can't be duplicated. If you aren't close to family members, make a point to work on it, from both sides. I’m not trying to put my two cents in on how to conduct relationships with your family because if you aren't close to them, there are going to be reasons that are your reasons. I hope that you have someone to be close to.

I would love to put a definition of family down, but I feel it is indescribable. Family means so many different things to so many different people. We all have our dysfunctions and our perfections.

With my family, I don't talk to my mom about everything in my personal life, I have friends for that, but I talk to her about life stuff. As in my job (when I have one) and stuff for my apartment and just typical living stuff. I have friends who tell their moms everything, relationships are different. I will probably never have the “perfect mother/daughter” relationship with my mom, I am ok with that. I know what I need to do to make sure, and pray, that a daughter of my own and I have a better relationship.

I have two siblings, brothers, one I talk to and one I only talk to when we see each other in person, which doesn’t happen much. I know that they both are my family and hopefully one day I can speak with both of them the way siblings should. Support each other and love each other. One brother is ok at doing that, but getting better. One doesn’t at all. Of course I am trying to get better at it also. It all comes with age level for us.

The fact that I do have family there for when I need them is awesome. I mean, I moved in with my brother while I tried to find a job. Glad I had the opportunity, but I consider it a major waste of time.

Keep family close to you. No matter what kind of family it is.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

write it down.

I do not own a journal. I wish I did though. I am one of those people that I don’t like to burden people with my problems. I would rather listen to others and help them deal with their dilemmas. I do talk about things with my friends, but do feel guilty about it. It’s just who I am. Something that I do, even though I don’t write in a journal, is write things down on paper and then rip it up. Get my frustrations out and say all that I need to. Once I am done, I burn it. I feel better simply because I was able to be honest with myself about how I’m really feeling because once I start writing, it all comes out.

I feel that I can be myself when I write, its personal. You are the one putting the words out there. If you have an idea, write it down. A dream, write it down. You can write about anything. I have been doing some side writing and simply putting down my dreams and how I wish to achieve them and what I plan to do if I achieve them and if I don’t.  You can write about anything!

Some people aren't into writing, some are.

If you aren't into writing then talk it out with someone. 

It isn't about what you are writing down. The only thing that matters is that you are putting pen to paper. If you're writing, it obviously is going to be about something that is important to you or has a purpose. 

Write down your life and maybe what happens on a day-to-day basis. Find the things that you want to change and then work on changing them. Make yourself happy. 

Start your own blog.
Start a journal.
Start a diary.
Write sorry stories.
Write letters to friends.

The possibilities are endless!

When I talk about writing it down, I am talking about all kinds of different things. If you need motivation, write notes for yourself to put everywhere. Put them in places that you will run into them so you will have them as a constant reminder. Leave messages for yourself anywhere you need to so that you are able to accomplish things that you want to.

Do what is best for you.

I personally, write this blog. I am not writing about everyday occurrences in my life, I am writing about ways that I stay positive. It’s my way of saying what I want to and I am able to help myself “take my own advice” when I read the post again.