Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Nothing is Impossible

If you want something, it is up to you to go get it. Life is not supposed to or going to be handed to you on a silver platter. To make our dreams come true we have to work for it. That is what makes it so rewarding when we finally reach our goals.

Nothing is impossible. It is simply put that you can achieve anything you want if you put your mind to it. Nothing is ever over with until you say it is. How many times do you think people who are living their dreams right now were told no. I bet more times than they can count on their hands. You can chose to believe it or you can tell them their wrong.

Take advice when needed and listen to what others have to say. Sometimes the advice will help you, and sometimes the advice is only trying to hinder your efforts. Believe in yourself and get the job done. Ask for help if it is needed. Find support that will keep you on track and stay motivated to get to the place that you want to be.

I get told that Nashville is a stupid dream. For the fact that I don’t know what I want to do when I get there. Well I have a college degree so what I want to do is get a job. The idea of living in Nashville is simply something that makes me happy. I don’t feel happy when I’m in Illinois. I feel the need to constantly be thinking about a way to get out. Same with Georgia. The feeling has existed everywhere I have lived, so naturally I want to follow my heart to where it’s telling me to go.  I know what I want and that is all that matters. I will get to where I want/need to be someday. If it turns out that Nashville isn’t the place for me… I have the whole world. I can live anywhere.

Some dreams are harder to achieve which means that it takes that much more effort. Don’t let that slow you down. Life is not the easiest thing to deal with sometimes, but it’s only as bad as you make it.

I feel as though my life is just beginning, who cares that I’ve been here for 23 years. I just graduated college, I’m not getting my masters right now, and all I want to do is get to a location where I can make my life happen. Of course things are going to happen before I get there. I could be 26 or even 30 before I get to Nashville, but I’m not giving up on the possibility of it.

As I said not all dreams are extremely hard to achieve. A goal is a dream to me. And a dream is a goal. Simple goals like wanting to stop drinking pop or even wanting to start going on a walk every night. Those aren’t going to be considered hard when comparing them to maybe moving to another country. Obviously dreams come in all varieties. Getting a promotion, becoming a photographer, graduating college, landing the perfect job, getting married, buying a puppy, and on and on and on they go. No matter what there is no dream too small and no dream to big. Just remember that whatever the size of the dream means that that is the amount of work needed to be put in to achieve it!

Don’t let life tear you down. Don’t let your dreams slip away! Continue to dream and continue to try and make those dreams come true! No matter what your dreams are, they’re yours for a reason. They mean something to you. Don’t let them go because someone might say that you can’t do it. Don’t let them go because things are hard. It’s not impossible. Work hard and one day you will thank yourself because you didn’t give up. One day people are going to be so proud of you because you proved them wrong. Know that you can do anything. Who cares what life says and what people say. Follow your heart.

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