Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Be Healthy.

I want to start this post by saying that if you’re already healthy and living a healthy lifestyle, good job. It is the time of the new year’s resolution where people are hoping to get healthy and when it comes to me it just means that there is no time like the present to get healthy and stay that way.

        Something that I have caught onto recently is getting healthy. If you feel better about yourself then you will feel better in general. I have started to eat a better diet of foods and do as much research on healthy eating that I can. Being healthy is not a new year’s resolution that I am trying to do, it’s a lifestyle that I feel everyone needs to take part in.

I hate exercise so I have decided I am not going to do it. With saying that, I am going to do cardio, but I am not going to make it feel like cardio. I personally love dancing around my room like an idiot. The whole “dance as if nobody is watching” is exactly what I do. I dance crazy for a song and then catch my breath and then I do it again. When I say that I dance like an idiot, I mean it. I make it fun. I laugh at myself and move every part of my body with no technique at all, it’s awesome. Hey, any movement is better than no movement.

The whole eating healthy is hard to start if you plan on just kicking all the bad things out. It might take a little bit of time to get used to the no junk food or the smaller portions, and I am still trying to get used to it, but I also just started this change last week, but the sooner you start the sooner it gets easier.
And on the healthy eating note, I also should cover the whole don’t drink your calories talk. Water and green tea are going to be my drinks. No more coffee from Starbucks or pops which I have pretty much cut out before all of this anyway, but now I will be more serious about it.

I made a food journal. If I know I would be ashamed to write it down, I don’t eat it. Started that a few days ago. Fast food is a no go. More fruits and veggies and just all things better.

Make a board on pinterest. I have one called healthy choices, for foods, drinks, motivation, and little reminders. I have one walled work it out for workouts at home and at the gym. It also has song options that are perfect to workout to, or dance like an idiot to. My favorite one is called workout clothes. Of course you have to feel good about how you look when you workout. It’s an added benefit to feel good in the clothes you are wearing while you workout so you have more confidence to workout and not focus on your appearance.

Again I say to those who already live a healthy lifestyle, good job. To those in the process getting healthy or even starting a new year’s resolution, keep going. Do it for you, not anyone else. Don’t do it because it is expected, do it because you want it. Take it one day at a time and don’t give up. Remember why you started in the first place. Point of this post is to just tell you to take care of yourself. Your mind, heart, and body.

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