Thursday, January 1, 2015

Its A New Year!

Today starts off a brand new year and I know I could say the whole new year, new me thing, but I'm not going to. This is a new start, but not all things need to change, if anything.

My advice for going into a new year is to really think about what went wrong in 2014 and how you can make it right. What didn't you like about 2014, and want to change in 2015. If things are going good then keep doing what you're doing!

If you look back and think "I wish I would have done that" DO IT! Take chances in the new year, have fun.

I don't like doing the whole new years resolution thing. I kind of make goals as the year goes on. My thing that I do though is think about how I want to feel in December. I always want to feel positive and happy with how the year turned out and throughout the year I try to keep that in mind. I dont want to think "well, I didnt do anything. That was a boring year." This past year I of course did have things that I would have done differently, but now in 2015 I know what to fix and what to do differently.

2014 had its ups and downs, but you know what, that is life. I can only change things and hope for something better, but nothing is planned.

I plan to have a lot of positivity in the new year and to be as happy as I can be. Not everyday can be a good day, but I can try to smile as much as possible. :)

have a happy new year everyone!

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