Monday, December 29, 2014

Be Patient.

The title says it all. Be patient! Don’t rush everything.  If you’re in such a hurry you don’t have time to enjoy life.

  • Able to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.

Time is a great, wonderful, and annoying thing. In life, it is not known how much time we are going to be given so we need to make sure that we make the most of it. One thing that we all need to do though is to be patient. Most things in life do not happen overnight. It takes time and work to achieve things in life and that is what makes those things more meaningful.

Anything that is going to be important to you in life takes time to get. A relationship is a great example. Some people date for years before they get married, some date for months. Either way, they weren’t married seconds after meeting. You put time into things and the outcome is always worth the wait. That goes for everything in life. Family, friends, work, or school and then of course the millions of other things that I didn’t list. Put effort in, be patient for the outcome, and just wait for the amazing results.

My life right now isn’t the best. I’m unemployed and being faced with the chance to give up. the give up I speak of is a temporary one because I know I will never give up, but it’s still taking a step back, If I have to go home, its ok, I’ll live. I need to be patient with life. Know that I will get to where I need to be in time. It will definitely be a lesson learned.

Anything in life takes work and dedication. Chase that dream, but be prepared to be patient. Be prepared to put some time and effort into it. Don’t expect to say I want to get a book published and then expect it to happen in one week. First you have to write the book. Don’t expect your life goals to be accomplished in a week. First you have to work for it. There are steps to get to wherever you need to be. Whatever you’re doing. Figure out the steps and accomplish them. Put effort in and you will see a reward down the road.

Want a job promotion? Talk to your boss, do the work, and try to achieve it.

Want to travel the world? Save money, plan, and enjoy.

Want to follow your dreams? Figure out what the first step is to getting there and take it.

I am horrible at having patience and it is something that I am learning to be better at on a daily basis. which i mean, i have bad anxiety so that kind of sums up why I have a problem dealing with patience.. If I’m on a diet, I want results. If I've submitted a paper, I want to know the grade. Most recently it’s been submitting job applications and wanting a call right away. I have had to wait since 12/9 to find out if I have gotten the job I interviewed for and its driving me nuts because they told me “after Christmas” I would find out. Naturally I expected a call at 8 am on December 26th, never got it. No matter what I know that whatever is going to be the outcome, I have to deal with, and I also need to be patient.

Don’t rush everything. Enjoy life. I am 23 years old and I am in no hurry to grow up. Yes I am an adult, but age 30 can stay far away. I have a lot of living to do before I get there and I plan to do it. I plan to take everything day by day.

  One step at a time. One day at a time. One breath at a time.       

Youll get there when you are meant to get there and not one moment sooner. So relax, breathe and be patient

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