Saturday, December 27, 2014

Keep Moving Forward.

Nobody has any business living in the past. I have said that in a post before, but I really do mean it. There is a reason that your rearview mirror is so small and your windshield is so big. Keep moving forward, keep going.

For a girl who hasn't had one of her big dreams come true, I still keep going.  I am being faced with a decision to go home or not and honestly going home doesn’t scare me. I will never get stuck there. I have made a promise to myself and I plan to keep that promise. I will get to where I am supposed to be. I could get to Nashville and hate it. I highly doubt that, but it could happen. That just means I need to set a new destination. Always chasing a dream, always going after something. Those dreams are quite possibly going to change as life goes on and I am ok with that.

Personally, I don’t like the idea of being patient. I hate it, but I also know that time is a wonderful thing and if we are patient something is going to come out of it. Might be 10 years of waiting, but you never know. You have to give something time before you give up on it. Don’t give in to failure because most times it is the easy way out. Work for something and hold you head high. Keep reaching for the stars. Be patient. Know that you have time. Every day is precious and shouldn't be taken for granted so why waste them being bored with your life.

            What is your dream? Say it to yourself. Have you actually been working towards that dream or is it just sitting in your mind? Be honest. I think about my dreams on a daily basis because I am constantly thinking about what my next step could be to achieve them. Dreams might have to be put on hold, mine are right now, but they never need to be forgotten. Keep at it, whatever it is.

            You’re going to get knocked down. That is life. We all get knocked down, everyone. We build our strength from when we are knocked down and then pick ourselves up after. If I have to go home, it is a big knock down, but I won’t stay down. I will get a job back home, save money, and get out of there.  I will keep moving towards where I feel in my heart that I need to be. Where in my heart I will be happy. I will not be kept down for long.

            We all have a life to live. A life to put effort into. I personally want to leave this world knowing I did something with my life. I want the satisfaction when I am 80 years old and looking back on my life as something amazing. Ups and downs, bumps and bruises. I don’t want to have what I memories, I want to have I did that memories.

            Prove something to yourself. You can do it. Pick yourself up and put one foot in front of the other. Keep going, you’ll get to where you need to be, but remember it isn’t going to get handed to you.

Stay positive and keep moving forward.

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