Friday, December 19, 2014

Everything Happens For A Reason.

That quote is tattooed on my shoulder. I have it as a constant reminder in my life because it is true. I do not know all of the reasons things happen and I may never know them, but I know it happened for a reason. Everything has a purpose. Everything. Life happens and we have to go along with it. A simple conversation with someone can happen and have a lasting effect on us. Words, actions, everything has a meaning. Has a reason.

Do yourself a favor and do not get caught up in life. Don’t get caught up in the negativity of why things happen. You have a chance to grow because of each and every thing that happens in your life and take advantage of that. Life isn’t full of answers, it is full of questions. Ask the right ones. If you ask a wrong one, fix it. The answers are not always going to be given. Find the answers and if you don’t find them, ask better questions. The questions I refer to are our choices in life. The answers are the outcomes. The result of what we chose to do. We are here to live this life. LIVE IT! Don’t hide.

I overthink like crazy. My mind doesn’t shut up. I go through every bad thing that could possible happen, but one thing I always go back to is “whatever happens, happens”. It is going to turn out how it is meant to turn out. I cannot dwell on an outcome. You can’t change the past, even though I wish we could. Move on. Move forward. Without this quote, I might go insane. I tell myself it is going to happen out it is supposed to and I calm down.

Don’t search for the reasons. If they’re meant to be known they will come to you. It is a blessing in disguise that reasons aren’t known to us. With whatever happens, look within yourself for the answer of what to do next. Keep going on whatever path you are trying to walk on.

I don’t know why I chose to move to Georgia and I don’t know why I haven’t gotten a job. I don’t know why I am in the situation I am in. it has just happened this way. I’m growing because of it and I know what not to do next time, but I’m here now and I have to make the best of it. I have to know that something good has to come out of this, even if that something good is me looking back in a year and saying wow. I know I will smile and laugh about it someday and I cannot wait to see what all I will learn from this experience.

I’ve gotten told that the quote “everything happens for a reason” is stupid. Well, everyone is different and some people aren’t going to agree with it, but I live by it. I love it. I am a true believer of those words. As I said above, I have it tattooed on my body. It is that important to me. It’s a big part of my life and my journey to stay positive.

If this quote isn’t the one that speaks to you. Go find one. I did a blog post earlier of many quotes. Find one that you can say to yourself on a daily basis. One that moves you. One that has an impact. 

comment your thoughts.

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