Sunday, January 25, 2015

Make A Dream Board

It is one thing to say to yourself that you have a dream and that you want to follow it. It makes it easier to achieve those dreams when you have a visual in front of you. I am in the process of creating a dream board. Getting images from online and magazines and putting them together so it is obvious to me what my dreams are and that I can achieve them. It is a suggestion of mine that you make a dream board as well so that you can continue to get closer to your dreams.

I am making a dream board as a suggestion from one of my best friends! Great idea from a great friend.

Making a dream board:

  1. Get all the pictures that you want to put up and whatever words that you might also want to put on there. Images are more powerful, but words mean a lot as well.
  2. Cut them out! Make shapes and have it be bright and colorful. Something that will stand out.
  3. Figure out the board that you want to put your items on. Obviously depending on the amount of items that you want to put on the board depends on how big the board should be.
  4. Organize the items on the board and put them on in the way that you want them to be displayed.
  5. Display your board! Put it where you can see it every day as a constant reminder of what you are going for.

It is going to be much easier to go after your dreams once you have a visual that you can see and view as your future. Dreams are important but they don’t mean anything if you don’t go after them You can constantly go after your dreams when you have something in your face every day. I read a quote often that says "if your dreams don't scare you they aren't big enough". Chase your fears and chase your dreams.

The dream board can be very powerful. Looking at something that keeps you motivated will keep you going towards your dreams. The more you see the dream in front of you the more likely that you are going to take those steps to go towards your dream.

Personally, I can’t wait to finish my dream board. I am not in a position financially to achieve any of my dreams (since I chose dreams that cost money), but emotionally and mentally I can constantly pursue my dreams and come up with steps that will get me closer to achieving my dreams. I still fully say that dreams can’t be achieved overnight and this is a great way to get yourself motivated to work towards making all of your dreams come true, no matter how long it takes.

Dream boards will help the chances of your dreams coming true because they will be a constant focus. If you are constantly reminded of what you are trying to get to then you are more likely to get there. Write down the date that you start your dream board and then see how long it takes you to achieve your dreams. Any one of the dreams that you are chasing. Hopefully you see success and that the board helps you work towards your dreams!

You know that time at night before you go to bed where your mind can’t stop racing with thoughts. Put your dream board near your bed so that it is part of your thoughts at night.

Feel inspired by your dream board!

Feel that you WILL achieve your dream!

See yourself fulfilling your dream!

See yourself living your dream!

Achieve your dreams!

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Saturday, January 17, 2015

Have A Bad Day!

First i have to say, don't let the bad days get the best of you. Remember to be positive and to keep you're head up. Don't let a bad day ruin your spirit and please try to make any bad day go away as soon as you can. Surround yourself with people who care that you can talk to and that can help you turn a bad day into a great day. 

A bad day… I’ve been having a lot of those lately. Kind of just giving myself time to actually think about everything and evaluate my life and what I need to do. I have come to the realization that it really is ok to not be happy all the time. Everyone has a bad day and everyone is human. We all have things that we need to deal with and we have to deal with them to be ok again.

If something is bothering you go ahead and deal with it. If you push it down for the sake of not wanting to deal with it or to not burden others with your problems, it is going to continue to grow. The problem can’t be solved until you deal with it. If you don’t want to talk to someone about it, write it out. I used to do this all the time. If I was having a bad day I would write it out. After I wrote out what was bothering me and how I planned to deal with it, I tore up the paper and threw it away. It was a therapy for me and even though I didn’t talk to anyone, writing it down was enough.

Find your way to deal with whatever might be causing your bad day. Talk to friends or family, write in a journal, or even find a hobby that helps clear your head. It is all up to you, but just don’t put on a front to hide from it.

It’s ok to be sad, it’s ok to hurt, but you just have to not stay down for long. Picking yourself up after something gets you down is a sign of strength.

I am always ok with having a bad day because I know that when the days aren’t bad anymore, the problem has been solved and I have overcome something and I survived. I lived, life got to me, but I lived. Life gets hard and you now there are so many things that can get you down in life, but it’s the picking yourself back up that makes it worth dealing with. You become a stronger person. Some problems in life cannot be solved overnight, some can. Some decisions can be made at a moment’s notice and some need time, a lot of time. Just don’t let issues with life take your life over.

I have had to make a lot of decisions lately and to be honest I still don’t know the answers to those decisions. I feel as though I’m drowning in my own thoughts sometimes. The problems/issues/decisions that I’m dealing with right now are hard ones to make and once I decide what decision I want to make, I’m not happy with it. I am not happy with the choices I have, but hopefully things are going to be looking up, but the countdown is on for me to make a decision and I have no clue what I am going to do. I guess I just need to write it all out and eventually the decision will come to me. My bad days will be good ones again, I have hope. Time will tell.

I don’t want to keep repeating myself, but having a bad day isn't a sign of defeat

Do remember that there are people out there that are having worse days than you, and hopefully their days are getting better, and hopefully your bad day is only a day, but if it last longer than a day, I hope things get better for you.

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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Be Healthy.

I want to start this post by saying that if you’re already healthy and living a healthy lifestyle, good job. It is the time of the new year’s resolution where people are hoping to get healthy and when it comes to me it just means that there is no time like the present to get healthy and stay that way.

        Something that I have caught onto recently is getting healthy. If you feel better about yourself then you will feel better in general. I have started to eat a better diet of foods and do as much research on healthy eating that I can. Being healthy is not a new year’s resolution that I am trying to do, it’s a lifestyle that I feel everyone needs to take part in.

I hate exercise so I have decided I am not going to do it. With saying that, I am going to do cardio, but I am not going to make it feel like cardio. I personally love dancing around my room like an idiot. The whole “dance as if nobody is watching” is exactly what I do. I dance crazy for a song and then catch my breath and then I do it again. When I say that I dance like an idiot, I mean it. I make it fun. I laugh at myself and move every part of my body with no technique at all, it’s awesome. Hey, any movement is better than no movement.

The whole eating healthy is hard to start if you plan on just kicking all the bad things out. It might take a little bit of time to get used to the no junk food or the smaller portions, and I am still trying to get used to it, but I also just started this change last week, but the sooner you start the sooner it gets easier.
And on the healthy eating note, I also should cover the whole don’t drink your calories talk. Water and green tea are going to be my drinks. No more coffee from Starbucks or pops which I have pretty much cut out before all of this anyway, but now I will be more serious about it.

I made a food journal. If I know I would be ashamed to write it down, I don’t eat it. Started that a few days ago. Fast food is a no go. More fruits and veggies and just all things better.

Make a board on pinterest. I have one called healthy choices, for foods, drinks, motivation, and little reminders. I have one walled work it out for workouts at home and at the gym. It also has song options that are perfect to workout to, or dance like an idiot to. My favorite one is called workout clothes. Of course you have to feel good about how you look when you workout. It’s an added benefit to feel good in the clothes you are wearing while you workout so you have more confidence to workout and not focus on your appearance.

Again I say to those who already live a healthy lifestyle, good job. To those in the process getting healthy or even starting a new year’s resolution, keep going. Do it for you, not anyone else. Don’t do it because it is expected, do it because you want it. Take it one day at a time and don’t give up. Remember why you started in the first place. Point of this post is to just tell you to take care of yourself. Your mind, heart, and body.

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Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Live With Passion

Passion: strong and barely controllable emotion.

My suggestion to everyone is to find something that they are passionate about. Me, I am really passionate about music. I love the sound of it. The sound I make when I am singing. The sound that others make when they sing, beautiful. The guitar is my favorite instrument to listen to and someday I will learn to play the expensive acoustic guitar that I bought myself as a graduation present. J I have many passions, some that are new to me and I am learning information about them and how to do them, photography as an example, to learn if it is just an I’m bored emotion, or something I really will love.

Some people are passionate about dancing, writing, or traveling. You can be passionate about anything. Simply living can be a passion.  Anything that you can put yourself into is passion. It is a joy watching people who have a passion for something. A dancer who is passionate about what they are doing is going to make you want to dance as well. A musician who plays with passion is going to make you get lost in the beauty of the notes.

Think about your dreams. Why are they your dreams?

It’s hard to describe your passion for something. It’s a love, it’s a feeling, and it’s great.

Passion is something that can consume you. I love watching professional dancers because you can feel the passion that they have when they dance. It is beautiful. Hearing a photographer talk about the pictures that they have taken and even a chef describing the meal that they have prepared. You smile because of the passion that they have is shown through what they do.

Whatever you do in life, be passionate about it. Put your heart into it. Yes, it might turn out that it isn’t for you and it might not turn out to be your passion, but don’t go into anything with a closed mind. Having an open mind can lead to something great. J

“We must act out passion before we can feel it.” – Jean-Paul Sartre

“Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.” – Oprah Winfrey

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” – Harriet Tubman

“You have to be burning with an idea, or a problem, or a wrong that you want to right. If you’re not passionate enough from the start, you’ll never stick it out.” – Steve Jobs.

“I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.” – Albert Einstein

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Thursday, January 1, 2015

Its A New Year!

Today starts off a brand new year and I know I could say the whole new year, new me thing, but I'm not going to. This is a new start, but not all things need to change, if anything.

My advice for going into a new year is to really think about what went wrong in 2014 and how you can make it right. What didn't you like about 2014, and want to change in 2015. If things are going good then keep doing what you're doing!

If you look back and think "I wish I would have done that" DO IT! Take chances in the new year, have fun.

I don't like doing the whole new years resolution thing. I kind of make goals as the year goes on. My thing that I do though is think about how I want to feel in December. I always want to feel positive and happy with how the year turned out and throughout the year I try to keep that in mind. I dont want to think "well, I didnt do anything. That was a boring year." This past year I of course did have things that I would have done differently, but now in 2015 I know what to fix and what to do differently.

2014 had its ups and downs, but you know what, that is life. I can only change things and hope for something better, but nothing is planned.

I plan to have a lot of positivity in the new year and to be as happy as I can be. Not everyday can be a good day, but I can try to smile as much as possible. :)

have a happy new year everyone!