Sunday, December 20, 2015

Happy holidays!

This is the time of the year that we all reflect on things we are thankful for and we spend time with the people we love!

I hope that everyone who does spend the holidays alone, knows that they are loved by their loved ones. I hope they are loved by someone! I spent Christmas alone last year and it isn't any fun.

I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas, and had a great new year.

******Starting off in the new year, I will be back writing here more!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Learn from the past

We all have done things that maybe haven't turned out for the best, but it still happened. In life we are going to go through things that will be fine, and others that we wish we could have a do over. Unfortunately in this crazy thing we called life, do overs don't really exist.

Whether is was a bad relationship, a horrible choice in jobs, or.maybe even something family related, we can all take something away from it.

My example would be that the last job I worked, may-september, was not a good fit for me. The stress of it was making me sick and I felt like I was losing grip of my life! I made the decision to quit the job and find another, but I will always take the skills I learned on that job with me. It was a short time, but I feel I learned to be a better person and to have more patience. I have nightmares about working there still and it haunts me, but there was a plus side to it.

We learn from so many things on a daily basis. A failed relationship will help you realize what you really want from a significant other. A job choice that doesn't fit you can help you determine what does suit you for a career path.  Bad choices in friends also shine light on what type of people you want to be around.

We all make mistakes and it makes us human, just learn from them. Grow as a person because of what you have been through. Give advice when you see someone going through something similar.

There are things in my life that I constantly think about when thinking ant the past. I also think about how fast I have come since that has happened and what I have done to grow and learn from it.

I moved to georgia, failed and moved back home, but you better believe I'm saving up money to do it all over again (moving to Tennessee this time) because I learned from what didn't go right with the move to georgia and I'm not giving up.

I an a big believer of "everything happens for a reason". We might not know why now, but some day it will make sense. I tend to focus on the past more than I should and I am always thinking about how far I have come. I am proud of the person I have become because of what I have gone though in my life. I won't let the past hold me back. Don't let it hold you back.

Learn, breathe, and grow. Life moves on, so can you

Monday, June 8, 2015

Find Motivation!

Whether you are wanting to lose weight, find a new job, move, or make any life changing decision in your life, it isn’t easy to just say you want to do it. If you are planning on starting a new diet, you need to find that push to keep going because it is hard. If you want to start a new job, it’s a lifestyle change, it’s hard.

If you plan on losing weight, you have to find what keeps you going. Personally I have post-it notes all over my apartment that say the negative things that I feel about myself and also the positive things that I want to feel. If your motivation is rewarding yourself with prizes for every 10 pounds you lose, that is awesome. If it is motivation from working out with a friend, that is also a great way to get motivated. There are endless ways to find motivation and it is important to make sure that you find the motivation that you need to keep going and don’t give up. Find motivation that will help you and is YOUR motivation.

I personally don’t want to stay in the state that I live in so I have to find all the motivation in the world not to spend my money on stupid things and to save it so I can move as soon as possible. If you are planning a move in your life, it is obviously in your mind for a reason. Make sure that life doesn’t get in your way and that you push it away. Keep that idea in your mind and go for it! Whatever motivation you need. Motivation to save money, go find a job there, find a place to live there, or simply to take the scary step to doing it.

It’s hard to simply not say find motivation. It can be one of the easiest things to do or one of the hardest things to do. You can find motivation that works great for you, but eventually doesn’t work anymore.

Being motivated to do something gives you that extra push to go after what you want. Could be simply being motivated to get up in the morning, to go to work to eventually get that promotion.  Rewarding yourself with a new outfit after you lose your first 20 pounds. A new pair of shoes after you get a new job.

Get motivated to do something. If you aren’t working for something life can get a little boring.

As I said earlier, it can be hard for me to not just say find motivation, but it really is that simple. Whatever your goal is, and we all have some sort of goal at any given moment, you need something to keep yourself going after it. keep it up, whatever it may be. 

Sunday, June 7, 2015

My Update

I have been away for awhile because well, I didnt know what to post about because I was still going through so many negative things that while trying to stay positive, I didnt want to come of negative by accident.

Well I started a new job a week and a half ago and I will be working with individuals who are recovering from a brain injury. It will be a great opportunity I feel.

Also I have been back in illinois for two months... Surprise. A lot of people who I was friends with before I moved still dont know and slowly I will tell them, maybe. Its a long story why I decided to come back and its my life.

Best believe I will make it out of this town..

Im going to try and post more.

Even if nobody is reading :)

Monday, May 4, 2015

Don't Be Negative

When you look at your life, what do you see? The things that are wrong with it? Or the thing that are good? The unfortunate fact is that most people tend to look at the negative. I hate my job, I hate my weight, I need more money, etc. the list can go on and on.

Something that we need to do as a whole in our society is to stop looking at what others have and what we don’t, and start looking at what we do have. What are you thankful for? It isn’t something that you should just pay attention to around the holidays. You should keep these things in mind all year around. Thankful for family? Friend? Actually having a job? Having a home? Sometimes it is the little things. Sometimes it’s very important things.

Living a life where you are constantly negative is going to turn you into a very negative person. It will also turn you into a very jealous person. Nobody wants to be around people life that.

Look in the mirror, instead of saying what you don’t like, tell yourself what you do? We all have flaws, to help give ourselves more positivity we need to start with ourselves! Society gives us the perception that we have to be perfect, which isn’t possible. Individuality is what makes each and every one of us beautiful.

We all have negative moments, we are human. We must try to be optimistic and not dwell on the negative. Look at it as negative for a second, that is typically the first reaction, but the secret weapon is ot say “ok that sucks, but….” Find the positive. If you have to change something, change it. If it can’t be changed, deal with it and learn from it.

Personally I have every reason to be so negative right now. I am trying my best not to be negative and I try to focus on the good. Of course I have bad days, but don’t let them get the best of me. No job, I keep applying. Disappointing my parents, I know one day it won’t be that way. Hate where I live, I’m making the best of it. I just keep moving forward, not backwards.

Don’t hold yourself back with a negative attitude. No one wants to be around someone who is constantly negative and complaining. It’s ok to vent to people, but make sure it doesn’t consist of only the negative. Make a point to look at the positive.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Find Someone To Look Up To

In life we sometimes lead by example. I want to grow up to be like my mom, my aunt, my favorite celebrity. Etc. it is important to find someone that you can look up to. I personally don’t want to be this person. I want to honor this person. She was an amazing human being and for the era that she was in, she was strong. She went out of her way for things and she is a hero in my eyes and someone that woman should want to be. This person has inspired me and with all of the stuff going on about putting a woman on the $20 bill, I believe that it should be her.

This person is Eleanor Roosevelt.

As I said in the paragraph above, I want to honor her and by that I mean know what she stood for. I am constantly reading her quotes and keeping them in my thoughts because she was such a strong woman and her words should live on.

“With a new day comes new strength and new thoughts.”

“Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.”

“We are afraid to care too much, for fear that the other person does not care at all.”

“The future belongs to those who believe in beauty of their dreams.”

‘You must do the things you think you cannot do.”

“It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.”

“No one can make you feel inferior without your permission.”

“Never allow a person to tell you no who doesn’t have the power to say yes.”

“It is not fair to ask of others what you are not willing to do yourself”

“Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product.”

-Eleanor Roosevelt

I am a big quote person, I have made that obvious through my other post. With Eleanor Roosevelt. She stepped out of the typical role of first lady while her husband was in office. She stood by his side, but she also stood alone. She paved the path for future first lady’s to be able to make a name for themselves as well and to do things that interest them.

I have written a few papers on her while in high school. She is fascinating with all that she did. I recommend looking her up, or at lease looking her words up.

She is someone I look up to.
She is someone that woman that will always be remembered.

Anyone can be a role model for you. Find someone that you can look up to and pave your own path because of that. You can look up to many people. I know the type of person I want to be and the type I don’t want to be. It is that simple. 

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Believe In Yourself.

Believe: to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so.

The best way to accomplish something is to believe that you can do it. If you go into something thinking you are going to fail, then you will. Remember though, failure is ok, as long as you don’t give up when it happens. The best way to prepare yourself for failure is knowing it can happen, but knowing it isn’t going to stop you. Go into everything knowing you can do it. If failure happens, you choose another route to accomplish your goal and your dreams. Be scared, that’s ok. Be nervous, that’s expected. Be you, that’s the point.

You need to believe in yourself and what you do. Be tenacious nd genuine. – Christian Louboutin

If you want something, go after it. Believe that it is worth it! Know that it is worth it. The saying, “anything is possible if you put your mind to it” is true. It might take time, but it is true. You have to know that you have what it takes to accomplish what you want. You have to know that you are the only person who can stand in your way. Everyone else can have an influence on you, but you are the only one who says, “I’m going to do this” or “I can’t do this”. It is all a part of being realistic and getting a plan together is great. Write it all down!

When people don’t believe in you, you have to believe in yourself. – Pierce Bronsan

In our lifetime we are going to run into so many people who are going to tell you that your ideas are stupid, you aren’t being realistic, it’s not going to happen, you’re going to fail so why try, etc. etc. etc. it is never going to stop. Unfortunately that is the society we live in. You will have your supporters, the ones who won’t give up on you and are going to help push you. Keep those people close, but don’t let the negative people bring you down. They have no clue what is going to happen. You have no clue what is going to happen. It could be all you have hoped for and it could be anything but a fairytale ending. Don’t let the doubts scare you.

Your success depends mainly upon what you think of yourself and whether you believe in yourself. – William J.H. Boetcker

Personal experience: my family thought I was nuts to move to Georgia and even the thought of wanting to move to Nashville is ridiculous. Well I moved to Georgia not knowing what was going to happen and even though nothing went the way it was supposed to, I still went. I also am not going to give up on Nashville. I have plans and now I just have to start getting them together.

You can have all the tools in the world but if you don’t genuinely believe in yourself, it’s useless – Ken Jeong

Whatever you want, new job, new location, weight loss, etc. go for it. Motivate yourself to get whatever needs done, done. Look to friends and family for support and even those who might think you’re crazy, listen, and take what they say and put a plan into motion so that if things don’t go the way you expected, you have a different plan so that what they fear will happen, doesn’t.

It’s no good being easily swayed by people’s opinions. You have to believe in yourself. – Donatella Versace

Make yourself comfortable with what you are about to do. What are your fears? Write them down and take the steps to make sure those fears can be put at a minimum. You can accomplish anything. ANYTHING!! Remember that it is ok to fail, most people do! Giving up though, that is your call. If you don’t want to give up, don’t. Do not let others affect your dreams. I have said in other post that sometimes our dreams and wants can change, that doesn’t mean you’re giving anything up, that means you’re starting something new.  

You know, you do need mentors, but in the end, you really just need to believe in yourself. – Diana Ross

Always have something that you’re working for. It makes life fun and interesting. It makes things so rewarding when we reach our goals. Have a goal and believe you can achieve it. You can achieve it.

If you believe in yourself and feel confident in yourself, you can do anything. I really believe that. – Karlie Kloss

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Nothing is Impossible

If you want something, it is up to you to go get it. Life is not supposed to or going to be handed to you on a silver platter. To make our dreams come true we have to work for it. That is what makes it so rewarding when we finally reach our goals.

Nothing is impossible. It is simply put that you can achieve anything you want if you put your mind to it. Nothing is ever over with until you say it is. How many times do you think people who are living their dreams right now were told no. I bet more times than they can count on their hands. You can chose to believe it or you can tell them their wrong.

Take advice when needed and listen to what others have to say. Sometimes the advice will help you, and sometimes the advice is only trying to hinder your efforts. Believe in yourself and get the job done. Ask for help if it is needed. Find support that will keep you on track and stay motivated to get to the place that you want to be.

I get told that Nashville is a stupid dream. For the fact that I don’t know what I want to do when I get there. Well I have a college degree so what I want to do is get a job. The idea of living in Nashville is simply something that makes me happy. I don’t feel happy when I’m in Illinois. I feel the need to constantly be thinking about a way to get out. Same with Georgia. The feeling has existed everywhere I have lived, so naturally I want to follow my heart to where it’s telling me to go.  I know what I want and that is all that matters. I will get to where I want/need to be someday. If it turns out that Nashville isn’t the place for me… I have the whole world. I can live anywhere.

Some dreams are harder to achieve which means that it takes that much more effort. Don’t let that slow you down. Life is not the easiest thing to deal with sometimes, but it’s only as bad as you make it.

I feel as though my life is just beginning, who cares that I’ve been here for 23 years. I just graduated college, I’m not getting my masters right now, and all I want to do is get to a location where I can make my life happen. Of course things are going to happen before I get there. I could be 26 or even 30 before I get to Nashville, but I’m not giving up on the possibility of it.

As I said not all dreams are extremely hard to achieve. A goal is a dream to me. And a dream is a goal. Simple goals like wanting to stop drinking pop or even wanting to start going on a walk every night. Those aren’t going to be considered hard when comparing them to maybe moving to another country. Obviously dreams come in all varieties. Getting a promotion, becoming a photographer, graduating college, landing the perfect job, getting married, buying a puppy, and on and on and on they go. No matter what there is no dream too small and no dream to big. Just remember that whatever the size of the dream means that that is the amount of work needed to be put in to achieve it!

Don’t let life tear you down. Don’t let your dreams slip away! Continue to dream and continue to try and make those dreams come true! No matter what your dreams are, they’re yours for a reason. They mean something to you. Don’t let them go because someone might say that you can’t do it. Don’t let them go because things are hard. It’s not impossible. Work hard and one day you will thank yourself because you didn’t give up. One day people are going to be so proud of you because you proved them wrong. Know that you can do anything. Who cares what life says and what people say. Follow your heart.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Spend Time With Family.

Where would we all be without our family members? Some relationships might not be great, but family is forever. You can have friends that you consider family. Blood relation isn't everything.

Look to your family for guidance and advice. I ask my mom questions all the time. She was my age once and went through thing that I am going thing at some point in her life. They are here to give advice and to help, talking can do wonders. I talk to cousins and aunts and uncles and get their viewpoint on things. Sometimes they give it without asking, listen.

Family is extremely important. As I said earlier it can be friends that you call family as well. It’s important to stay in communication with the family members you are close to. Those relationships can't be duplicated. If you aren't close to family members, make a point to work on it, from both sides. I’m not trying to put my two cents in on how to conduct relationships with your family because if you aren't close to them, there are going to be reasons that are your reasons. I hope that you have someone to be close to.

I would love to put a definition of family down, but I feel it is indescribable. Family means so many different things to so many different people. We all have our dysfunctions and our perfections.

With my family, I don't talk to my mom about everything in my personal life, I have friends for that, but I talk to her about life stuff. As in my job (when I have one) and stuff for my apartment and just typical living stuff. I have friends who tell their moms everything, relationships are different. I will probably never have the “perfect mother/daughter” relationship with my mom, I am ok with that. I know what I need to do to make sure, and pray, that a daughter of my own and I have a better relationship.

I have two siblings, brothers, one I talk to and one I only talk to when we see each other in person, which doesn’t happen much. I know that they both are my family and hopefully one day I can speak with both of them the way siblings should. Support each other and love each other. One brother is ok at doing that, but getting better. One doesn’t at all. Of course I am trying to get better at it also. It all comes with age level for us.

The fact that I do have family there for when I need them is awesome. I mean, I moved in with my brother while I tried to find a job. Glad I had the opportunity, but I consider it a major waste of time.

Keep family close to you. No matter what kind of family it is.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

write it down.

I do not own a journal. I wish I did though. I am one of those people that I don’t like to burden people with my problems. I would rather listen to others and help them deal with their dilemmas. I do talk about things with my friends, but do feel guilty about it. It’s just who I am. Something that I do, even though I don’t write in a journal, is write things down on paper and then rip it up. Get my frustrations out and say all that I need to. Once I am done, I burn it. I feel better simply because I was able to be honest with myself about how I’m really feeling because once I start writing, it all comes out.

I feel that I can be myself when I write, its personal. You are the one putting the words out there. If you have an idea, write it down. A dream, write it down. You can write about anything. I have been doing some side writing and simply putting down my dreams and how I wish to achieve them and what I plan to do if I achieve them and if I don’t.  You can write about anything!

Some people aren't into writing, some are.

If you aren't into writing then talk it out with someone. 

It isn't about what you are writing down. The only thing that matters is that you are putting pen to paper. If you're writing, it obviously is going to be about something that is important to you or has a purpose. 

Write down your life and maybe what happens on a day-to-day basis. Find the things that you want to change and then work on changing them. Make yourself happy. 

Start your own blog.
Start a journal.
Start a diary.
Write sorry stories.
Write letters to friends.

The possibilities are endless!

When I talk about writing it down, I am talking about all kinds of different things. If you need motivation, write notes for yourself to put everywhere. Put them in places that you will run into them so you will have them as a constant reminder. Leave messages for yourself anywhere you need to so that you are able to accomplish things that you want to.

Do what is best for you.

I personally, write this blog. I am not writing about everyday occurrences in my life, I am writing about ways that I stay positive. It’s my way of saying what I want to and I am able to help myself “take my own advice” when I read the post again.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Make Plans.

When thinking about the future, it scares me. One thing that helps me think about the future is making a plan. I am facing so many decisions that I have to make and having a plan is helping. If I move back to Illinois, which would be next week if I do, I have two different plans that I need to follow. Obviously to get a job is priority number one, the rest will fall into place. If I stay where I am, then I continue on the plan that I am currently working through.

If you have a dream, it is one thing to say that you are going to chase the dream and it is another thing to actually have a plan that you can put into action. How are you going to make that dream come true? What is your next step? Plans change and nothing ever goes as it is supposed to, but the best part about having a plan A is that you can also have a plan B or C. Plan A would work in a perfect situation, and I wish you all the luck in having success with that plan, but also be prepared just in case something doesn’t work out the way it was supposed to.

My plans:
  • Plan A – Move to Georgia. Get a job. Save money. Move to Nashville.
    • I have failed all aspects of this plan so far.
  • Plan B – Move back to Illinois. Get a Job. Save Money. Get a job in Nashville. Move to Nashville
    • This is my next plan
  • Plan C – Stay in Illinois.
    • This is probably only if I got married or something. Then the plan isn’t just about what I want.

The future is a scary place and things happen that aren’t planned. It is simply all about how you go from there. What is the next step? I had it all planned out for when I got to Georgia, I am a great example of things not going according to plan. I also know what my next step is. I have this week to get a job and if I don’t, I will be back in Illinois, starting over, and hopefully having more success.

Have faith in your own decisions, wants, and needs. Do what is best for you! Seek advice from friends and family members. Do what you have to do to make sure that you are prepared. Make a plan that is obtainable. Don’t set yourself up for failure, but also get outside of your comfort zone. Don’t live a life where you are constantly saying, “one day I will,” do it now. Take a chance and do what you need to do to make sure that you are happy with your life.

Write down where you are now and then write down where you want to be. Fill the space in between with the steps to get there.

There is no time like the present. That I am certain of. If you keep putting your dreams off, they are going to be harder to go for. Never give up, but start now! Make a plan of who you want to be in 5 years and where you see yourself. It isn’t going to just happen for you, you have to make it happen!

I do feel as though our lives are books. Each day we write a new page. It is going to be a boring book if it is the same thing over and over again on each page. There are obvious exceptions to this though. If you love your job, it isn’t going to be boring. If you spend time making memories with friends, it isn’t going to be boring. Anything you do that makes you happy is going to change the story. Start now. Make those pages something to remember. 

Comment Your Thoughts

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Power of Music

           One of my favorite things in the world is music. I am constantly adding new music to my iTunes and I love watching the amount of music I have go up. it has always been an outlet for me. If I’m sad, I know what song to play. If I’m happy, I know what song to play. I hate silence, except when I’m sleeping, so even while studying in college I had classical music playing while I studied. It is something I love learning about and getting new information on. I love hearing the great artist in each genre and who paved the path for artist in that genre today.
I have a playlist for everything. Road trips, songs to listen to when I’m in the shower, songs for when I’m sad and want to be happy, and simply songs for everything. I am organized when it comes to my music.
Do you have a song that every time you listen to it you have a memory attached to it? Those are my favorite. You might not know it when you’re listening to it, but if it is worth a memory it is an amazing song. Even if the song itself isn’t that special, memories are. Find those songs. I will put my iTunes on shuffle and songs will play from forever ago and I can see myself dancing around in my room to them, I love it.
            Find music that speaks to you. I love falling in love with a new song. Give all genres a chance. Find songs that are you’re go to songs. I’m happy, I’m going to listen to….. I’m sad I’m going to listen to… I need something to brighten my mood…. I know my list of songs, it’s important to know yours. Music might not be that important to some people, but it is always there, playing somewhere.

            You don’t have to know anything about music to care about it either. I used to take voice lessons and can play a few instruments, but that was also 4 years ago, and now I focus on what the lyrics say in a song. How do they speak to me? I listen to hear the drums in the background and the guitar. I listen. Music is there to enjoy, enjoy it.

            It’s hard to do this post because it’s hard to put into words how important music is to me. I spend hours being OCD with my iTunes making sure everything is organized because it’s important to me. I am constantly writing down songs I hear and artist I think I should look into to see if I like their music.
Even if music is simply finding a good song on the radio, enjoy it.

Figure out what music can do for you. Let it be your escape.

“Where words fail, music speaks”
- Hans Christian Anderson -

“If music be the food of love, play on.”
 -William Shakespeare -

“Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent” -Victor Higo -

“Without music, life would be a mistake.”
- Friedrich Nietzche -

“Music can change the world because it can change people.”  
- Bono -

Sunday, February 8, 2015


  • A person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection.

It is important that you have someone in your life that you consider a friend. Someone that you can talk to and someone that you trust.

Find a friend that makes you a better you.

To be honest, I really only have one friend that I really talk to. We talk a few times a week and I am very thankful that I have her. The best part about the friendship is that we both care how each other is doing. If I’m having a bad day, she listens, if she’s having a bad day, I listen. The 12 hour distance between us sucks because I would love to have a girl’s night with her. Drink wine, eat stuff that we will regret later, and just talk. I wish it were that easy. I love her and I miss her. The best part about the possibility of moving back to Illinois is that we will eventually be roommates! If I move back I at least have that to look forward to. I have other friends that I talk to. One that calls me every once in a while and I can’t blame her for not being in contact more, she works a lot, but still I feel forgotten sometimes and we were so close when I lived in Illinois. I have another friend who we were close and we talk every once in a while, but it’s never really about how our lives are going, it’s about random stuff and then the conversation is over.

I had this coming to me when I up and left Illinois. With the possibility of having to go back constantly in the back of my mind and closely approaching,  a week away if no job, I need to figure out what friendships are worth keeping if I go back and even if I stay.

I don’t ever want to be someone who is a friend that you call when there is nothing else to do and I am that to a few people right now. It shows how many friends you actually have when barely anyone checks up on you since you moved 12 hours away. A simple “hi, how are you test” would work. I don’t need constant communication. It is ok, people drift part.

The whole point of this post is that I want to stress the importance of having a good friend. You can’t have as many friends as you choose, but how many can you really count on? Figure that out and keep those friends close to your heart. It is ok to have one really good friend and a bunch of acquaintances. It is also ok to have more than one best friend. What is important that you figure out who you can get along with and who you can trust with anything?

Who would you call at 3 a.m. just to talk? Who would come help you if your car broke down? Simple questions like that are how you figure that out. I have one answer to all of those. I also have friends who I would consider as a second or third call, but I would probably call my parents before I call them. Finding good friends can be hard. I of course have no friends living near me and it makes it hard, but a good friend will stay in touch.

Friendship is important. The whole marry your best friend thing, I cannot wait for that. To have a person there that I can talk to about anything, as well as also having my best friend to call when my husband is driving me nuts. J Friends have a powerful impact on our lives. Looking back now on who I have been friends with in the past and who I am friends with now is a definite difference. We discover who we really are as we grow up and our life experiences will bring us close to people and then take us farther away from them also. The real friends stick.

I keep to myself a lot and I tend to keep my problems to myself, it’s just how I am, but I like that I have a friend who I can talk to about my problems if I do decide to talk about them. That’s what everyone needs to look for, someone who listens, someone who is honest even if the honesty isn’t what you want to hear, and someone who simply cares about how you’re actually doing.

Find a friend that makes you a better you.

I know that I will have to find all new friends because eventually they will probably be gone, unless I have found a friend for life. Of course I won't know that until I am a lot older to see if they are still around. Time will tell. We shall see.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Quotes to make you Think.

1. “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails.  Explore, Dream, Discover.” —Mark Twain

2. “Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else.” —Les Brown

3. “The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers But above all the world needs dreamers who do.” —Sarah Breathnach

4. “When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.” —John Lennon

5. “The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” —Alice Walker

6. “The mind is everything. What you think you become.” —Buddha

7. “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” ―Mae West

8. “Remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination.” —Roy Goodman

9. “You never fail until you stop trying.” —Albert Einstein

10. “First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win.” —Mahatma Gandhi

11. “Every strike brings me closer to the next home run.” —Babe Ruth

12. “The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word ‘crisis.’ One brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity. In a crisis, be aware of the danger–but recognize the opportunity.” —John F. Kennedy

13. “Forget all the reasons it won’t work and believe the one reason that it will.” —Unknown

14. “The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body. The more efficient your body, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results.” —Anthony Robbins

15. “I don’t regret the things I’ve done, I regret the things I didn’t do when I had the chance.” —Unknown

16. “Count your age by friends, not years. Count your life by smiles, not tears.” —John Lennon

17. “What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.” —Albert Pike

18. “Its hard to wait around for something you know might never happen; but its harder to give up when you know its everything you want.” —Unknown

19. “Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.” —Ambrose Redmoon

20. “Live in the present, remember the past, and fear not the future, for it doesn’t exist and never shall. There is only now.” —Christopher Paolini

21. “Always do what you are afraid to do.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson

22. “I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent than history. That dreams are more powerful than facts. That hope always triumphs over experience. That laughter is the only cure for grief. And I believe that love is stronger than death.” —Robert Fulghum

23. “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ―Mahatma Gandhi

24. “The best way out is always through.” —Robert Frost

25. “What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.” —Goethe

26. “What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.” —Goethe

27. “Vision without action is daydream. Action without vision is nightmare.” —Japanese Proverb

28. “In any situation, the best thing you can do is the right thing; the next best thing you can do is the wrong thing; the worst thing you can do is nothing.” —Theodore Roosevelt

29. “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” —Mark Twain

30. “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” —Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

31. “If you worry about yesterday’s failures, then today’s successes will be few.” —Unknown

32. “Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.” —Mahatma Gandhi

33. “Do first things first, and second things not at all.” —Peter Drucker.

34. “There is no education like adversity.” —Disraeli

35. “Peace begins with a smile..” —Mother Teresa

36. “Do what you feel in your heart to be right – for you’ll be criticized anyway.” —Eleanor Roosevelt

37. “You can’t live your life for other people. You’ve got to do what’s right for you, even if it hurts some people you love.” —Nicholas Sparks

38. “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” —Winston S. Churchill

39. “Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” —George Bernard Shaw

40. “It is never too late to be what you might have been.” —George Eliot

41. “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

42. “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” —Mahatma Gandhi

43. “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” —Eleanor Roosevelt

44. “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” —Mahatma Gandhi

45. “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” —Oscar Wilde

46. “We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.” —Maya Angelou

47. “Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever.” —Lance Armstrong

48. “It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it.” —Lou Holtz

49. “Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.” —J.K. Rowling

50. “Years teach us more than books.” —Berthold Auerbach

51. “The searching-out and thorough investigation of truth ought to be the primary study of man.” —Cicero

52. “A wise man learns by the mistakes of others, a fool by his own.” —Latin Proverb

53. “The only journey is the journey within.” —Rainer Maria Rilke

54. “If we do not plant knowledge when young, it will give us no shade when we are old.”
—Lord Chesterfield

55. “If you have an hour, will you not improve that hour, instead of idling it away?” —Lord Chesterfield

56. “Follow your honest convictions, and stay strong.” —William Thackeray

57. “Insist on yourself. Never imitate.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson

58. “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” —Aristotle

59. “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.” —Aristotle

60. “Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.”
—Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

61. “Energy and persistence conquer all things.”
—Benjamin Franklin

62. “If we all did the things we are capable of, we would astound ourselves.” —Thomas Edison

63. “Exert your talents, and distinguish yourself, and don’t think of retiring from the world, until the world will be sorry that you retire.”
—Samuel Johnson

64. “Every artist was first an amateur.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson

65. “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson

66. “First say to yourself what you would be; then do what you have to do.” —Epictetus

67. “Reputation is for time; character is for eternity.” —J. B. Gough

68. “People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in; their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.” —Elizabeth Kubler Ross

69. “And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” —Paulo Coelho

70. “None but ourselves can free our minds.” —Bob Marley

71. “A ship is safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are for.” —William G.T. Shedd

72. “Meditate. Live purely. Be quiet. Do your work with mastery. Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds! Shine.” —Siddhārtha Gautama

73. “Is it so bad, then, to be misunderstood? Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. To be great is to be misunderstood.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson

74. “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” —Mary Oliver

75. “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” —T.S. Eliot

76. “Your life is an occasion. Rise to it.” —Suzanne Weyn

77. “With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.” —Max Ehrmann

78. “And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.” —Friedrich Nietzsche

79. “Whatever you are, be a good one” —Abraham Lincoln

80. “Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” —A. A. Milne

81. “We are repeatedly what we do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” —Aristotle

82. “Stop wearing your wishbone where your backbone ought to be.” —Elizabeth Gilbert

83. “Anything or anyone that does not bring you alive is too small for you.” —David Whyte

84. “Your life is not a problem to be solved but a gift to be opened.” —Wayne Muller

84. “Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character.” —Albert Einstein.

85. “Remarkable is a choice.” —Seth Godin

86. “Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we learn. The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and prejudices and the acceptance of love back in our hearts. Love is the essential reality and our purpose on earth. To be consciously aware of it, to experience love in ourselves and others, is the meaning of life. Meaning does not lie in things. Meaning lies in us.” —Marianne Williamson

87. “If consensus is overrated, I think balance is, too. I have no interest in living a balanced life. I want a life of adventure.” —Chris Guillebeau

88. “All mankind is divided into three classes: those that are immovable, those that are movable, and those that move.” —Benjamin Franklin.

89. “Nature and wisdom never are at strife.” —Plutarch

90. “The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy.” —Kalu Ndukwe Kalu

91. “The art of being wise is knowing what to overlook.” —William James

92. “The first step in the acquisition of wisdom is silence, the second listening, the third memory, the fourth practice, the fifth teaching others.” —Solomon Ibn Gabriol

93. “The journey is the reward.” —Chinese Proverb

94. “Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.” —Dennis P. Kimbro

95. “Give yourself an even greater challenge than the one you are trying to master and you will develop the powers necessary to overcome the original difficulty.” William J. Bennett

96. “The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.”Vince Lombardi

97. “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” —Walt Disney

98. “Enter every activity without giving mental recognition to the possibility of defeat. Concentrate on your strengths, instead of your weaknesses… on your powers, instead of your problems.” Paul J. Meyer

99. “The tragedy in life doesn’t lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach.”Benjamin Mays

100. “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” —Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

101. “What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.” —Albert Pike

102. “You must be the change you want to see in the world.” —Mahatma Gandhi


Sunday, January 25, 2015

Make A Dream Board

It is one thing to say to yourself that you have a dream and that you want to follow it. It makes it easier to achieve those dreams when you have a visual in front of you. I am in the process of creating a dream board. Getting images from online and magazines and putting them together so it is obvious to me what my dreams are and that I can achieve them. It is a suggestion of mine that you make a dream board as well so that you can continue to get closer to your dreams.

I am making a dream board as a suggestion from one of my best friends! Great idea from a great friend.

Making a dream board:

  1. Get all the pictures that you want to put up and whatever words that you might also want to put on there. Images are more powerful, but words mean a lot as well.
  2. Cut them out! Make shapes and have it be bright and colorful. Something that will stand out.
  3. Figure out the board that you want to put your items on. Obviously depending on the amount of items that you want to put on the board depends on how big the board should be.
  4. Organize the items on the board and put them on in the way that you want them to be displayed.
  5. Display your board! Put it where you can see it every day as a constant reminder of what you are going for.

It is going to be much easier to go after your dreams once you have a visual that you can see and view as your future. Dreams are important but they don’t mean anything if you don’t go after them You can constantly go after your dreams when you have something in your face every day. I read a quote often that says "if your dreams don't scare you they aren't big enough". Chase your fears and chase your dreams.

The dream board can be very powerful. Looking at something that keeps you motivated will keep you going towards your dreams. The more you see the dream in front of you the more likely that you are going to take those steps to go towards your dream.

Personally, I can’t wait to finish my dream board. I am not in a position financially to achieve any of my dreams (since I chose dreams that cost money), but emotionally and mentally I can constantly pursue my dreams and come up with steps that will get me closer to achieving my dreams. I still fully say that dreams can’t be achieved overnight and this is a great way to get yourself motivated to work towards making all of your dreams come true, no matter how long it takes.

Dream boards will help the chances of your dreams coming true because they will be a constant focus. If you are constantly reminded of what you are trying to get to then you are more likely to get there. Write down the date that you start your dream board and then see how long it takes you to achieve your dreams. Any one of the dreams that you are chasing. Hopefully you see success and that the board helps you work towards your dreams!

You know that time at night before you go to bed where your mind can’t stop racing with thoughts. Put your dream board near your bed so that it is part of your thoughts at night.

Feel inspired by your dream board!

Feel that you WILL achieve your dream!

See yourself fulfilling your dream!

See yourself living your dream!

Achieve your dreams!

comment your thoughts

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Have A Bad Day!

First i have to say, don't let the bad days get the best of you. Remember to be positive and to keep you're head up. Don't let a bad day ruin your spirit and please try to make any bad day go away as soon as you can. Surround yourself with people who care that you can talk to and that can help you turn a bad day into a great day. 

A bad day… I’ve been having a lot of those lately. Kind of just giving myself time to actually think about everything and evaluate my life and what I need to do. I have come to the realization that it really is ok to not be happy all the time. Everyone has a bad day and everyone is human. We all have things that we need to deal with and we have to deal with them to be ok again.

If something is bothering you go ahead and deal with it. If you push it down for the sake of not wanting to deal with it or to not burden others with your problems, it is going to continue to grow. The problem can’t be solved until you deal with it. If you don’t want to talk to someone about it, write it out. I used to do this all the time. If I was having a bad day I would write it out. After I wrote out what was bothering me and how I planned to deal with it, I tore up the paper and threw it away. It was a therapy for me and even though I didn’t talk to anyone, writing it down was enough.

Find your way to deal with whatever might be causing your bad day. Talk to friends or family, write in a journal, or even find a hobby that helps clear your head. It is all up to you, but just don’t put on a front to hide from it.

It’s ok to be sad, it’s ok to hurt, but you just have to not stay down for long. Picking yourself up after something gets you down is a sign of strength.

I am always ok with having a bad day because I know that when the days aren’t bad anymore, the problem has been solved and I have overcome something and I survived. I lived, life got to me, but I lived. Life gets hard and you now there are so many things that can get you down in life, but it’s the picking yourself back up that makes it worth dealing with. You become a stronger person. Some problems in life cannot be solved overnight, some can. Some decisions can be made at a moment’s notice and some need time, a lot of time. Just don’t let issues with life take your life over.

I have had to make a lot of decisions lately and to be honest I still don’t know the answers to those decisions. I feel as though I’m drowning in my own thoughts sometimes. The problems/issues/decisions that I’m dealing with right now are hard ones to make and once I decide what decision I want to make, I’m not happy with it. I am not happy with the choices I have, but hopefully things are going to be looking up, but the countdown is on for me to make a decision and I have no clue what I am going to do. I guess I just need to write it all out and eventually the decision will come to me. My bad days will be good ones again, I have hope. Time will tell.

I don’t want to keep repeating myself, but having a bad day isn't a sign of defeat

Do remember that there are people out there that are having worse days than you, and hopefully their days are getting better, and hopefully your bad day is only a day, but if it last longer than a day, I hope things get better for you.

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