Monday, December 29, 2014

Be Patient.

The title says it all. Be patient! Don’t rush everything.  If you’re in such a hurry you don’t have time to enjoy life.

  • Able to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.

Time is a great, wonderful, and annoying thing. In life, it is not known how much time we are going to be given so we need to make sure that we make the most of it. One thing that we all need to do though is to be patient. Most things in life do not happen overnight. It takes time and work to achieve things in life and that is what makes those things more meaningful.

Anything that is going to be important to you in life takes time to get. A relationship is a great example. Some people date for years before they get married, some date for months. Either way, they weren’t married seconds after meeting. You put time into things and the outcome is always worth the wait. That goes for everything in life. Family, friends, work, or school and then of course the millions of other things that I didn’t list. Put effort in, be patient for the outcome, and just wait for the amazing results.

My life right now isn’t the best. I’m unemployed and being faced with the chance to give up. the give up I speak of is a temporary one because I know I will never give up, but it’s still taking a step back, If I have to go home, its ok, I’ll live. I need to be patient with life. Know that I will get to where I need to be in time. It will definitely be a lesson learned.

Anything in life takes work and dedication. Chase that dream, but be prepared to be patient. Be prepared to put some time and effort into it. Don’t expect to say I want to get a book published and then expect it to happen in one week. First you have to write the book. Don’t expect your life goals to be accomplished in a week. First you have to work for it. There are steps to get to wherever you need to be. Whatever you’re doing. Figure out the steps and accomplish them. Put effort in and you will see a reward down the road.

Want a job promotion? Talk to your boss, do the work, and try to achieve it.

Want to travel the world? Save money, plan, and enjoy.

Want to follow your dreams? Figure out what the first step is to getting there and take it.

I am horrible at having patience and it is something that I am learning to be better at on a daily basis. which i mean, i have bad anxiety so that kind of sums up why I have a problem dealing with patience.. If I’m on a diet, I want results. If I've submitted a paper, I want to know the grade. Most recently it’s been submitting job applications and wanting a call right away. I have had to wait since 12/9 to find out if I have gotten the job I interviewed for and its driving me nuts because they told me “after Christmas” I would find out. Naturally I expected a call at 8 am on December 26th, never got it. No matter what I know that whatever is going to be the outcome, I have to deal with, and I also need to be patient.

Don’t rush everything. Enjoy life. I am 23 years old and I am in no hurry to grow up. Yes I am an adult, but age 30 can stay far away. I have a lot of living to do before I get there and I plan to do it. I plan to take everything day by day.

  One step at a time. One day at a time. One breath at a time.       

Youll get there when you are meant to get there and not one moment sooner. So relax, breathe and be patient

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Saturday, December 27, 2014

Keep Moving Forward.

Nobody has any business living in the past. I have said that in a post before, but I really do mean it. There is a reason that your rearview mirror is so small and your windshield is so big. Keep moving forward, keep going.

For a girl who hasn't had one of her big dreams come true, I still keep going.  I am being faced with a decision to go home or not and honestly going home doesn’t scare me. I will never get stuck there. I have made a promise to myself and I plan to keep that promise. I will get to where I am supposed to be. I could get to Nashville and hate it. I highly doubt that, but it could happen. That just means I need to set a new destination. Always chasing a dream, always going after something. Those dreams are quite possibly going to change as life goes on and I am ok with that.

Personally, I don’t like the idea of being patient. I hate it, but I also know that time is a wonderful thing and if we are patient something is going to come out of it. Might be 10 years of waiting, but you never know. You have to give something time before you give up on it. Don’t give in to failure because most times it is the easy way out. Work for something and hold you head high. Keep reaching for the stars. Be patient. Know that you have time. Every day is precious and shouldn't be taken for granted so why waste them being bored with your life.

            What is your dream? Say it to yourself. Have you actually been working towards that dream or is it just sitting in your mind? Be honest. I think about my dreams on a daily basis because I am constantly thinking about what my next step could be to achieve them. Dreams might have to be put on hold, mine are right now, but they never need to be forgotten. Keep at it, whatever it is.

            You’re going to get knocked down. That is life. We all get knocked down, everyone. We build our strength from when we are knocked down and then pick ourselves up after. If I have to go home, it is a big knock down, but I won’t stay down. I will get a job back home, save money, and get out of there.  I will keep moving towards where I feel in my heart that I need to be. Where in my heart I will be happy. I will not be kept down for long.

            We all have a life to live. A life to put effort into. I personally want to leave this world knowing I did something with my life. I want the satisfaction when I am 80 years old and looking back on my life as something amazing. Ups and downs, bumps and bruises. I don’t want to have what I memories, I want to have I did that memories.

            Prove something to yourself. You can do it. Pick yourself up and put one foot in front of the other. Keep going, you’ll get to where you need to be, but remember it isn’t going to get handed to you.

Stay positive and keep moving forward.

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Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone.
Christmas isn't about the gifts under the tree, it is about the ones you love standing around the tree.
I hope everyone has a happy holiday today and gets to spend time with family.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Life is your Journey.

“Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else.” —Les Brown

We are all on our own journey in life. We are all in charge of our journey. It is up to us to figure out where we want to go in life and to make it happen. 

My journey. I decided I needed to get away from the small town I lived in and to become my own person. I didn’t want to be someone who died in the zip code they have lived their whole life. I wanted to get away. My dreams we bigger than the small town I grew up in. I got out. I am still on the journey to get to Nashville. i know the future steps that need to be taken to get there and I will try my best to get them done as fast as I can and get there. I don’t know what is going to happen when I get to Nashville. Nothing can ever really be planned. I just know that whatever happens is up to me.

My family doesn’t exactly support me moving to Nashville. I had to make the decision to move on my own. I had doubts in my ear all the time. it was up to me. Either stay or go. Stay and possibly be stuck or go and get out. I can always go back, but leaving it the hardest part. I decided for me that I needed to be in charge. Not my family or friends. It’s my life and my choices. If I fail, oh well. At least I tried. I’ve made it to Georgia, which was a pretty big step.

Take charge of your journey. If you want to be somewhere or accomplish something, do it. Work for it. Don’t let people own your life. You won’t be happy if you settle. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? What is your dream? Go out and work for it. Nothing is going to fall into our laps. I mean, if you win the lottery and can buy everything, more power to you, but that isn’t realistic.

The life we live and the dreams we chase is what our journey is. Some don’t go far for what they want, some do. Each choice we make in life effects where our journey is going to take us. A new job, a new town, and a new love. Our lives change all the time. Our journey changes all the time.

It is important to just keep in mind that everything that happens to you is up to you. If you want to move, do it. Want a job promotion, do it. Want a new job, try it. Don’t limit yourself. The world is full of possibilities and nothing is ever off limits.

This post can't be full of how to or what to do advice. I am only allowed to make choices for myself when it come to my journey. The only advice I can give is to make sure that you are always working for something. Don't settle. Don't let people ruin your dreams. Enjoy your journey. Enjoy your life.

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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Forget the Anxiety.

I have really bad anxiety. I probably should get it checked out, but I refuse to because I know I am stronger than it. I don’t want medication to control it when I know that I can just change my mind set. It takes some time normally, depending on what is going on, but I normally overcome it and a calmness overcome me. I worry, I overthink, and I overreact about what could possibly happen. Of course they are all bad scenarios, but I have learned to focus on what potentially could happen if it turns out for the best.

An example would be the fact that I had a job interview 2 weeks ago for a job that I really want. It is a job in my field of study (minor in college), human resources, and could teach me a lot. I have to have a backup in case I don’t get famous.. J Just joking. I live in the real world and I need to take care of my responsibilities as well as pursue my dreams. Back on track, the interview. I was freaking out. The worst part is that I decided not to tell any of my family. I decided not to tell them because 1. They would pressure me and it would be worse, and 2. I didn’t want to let them down. (I told them after the interview was over). I knew about the interview for a week before I had it. in that time I googled every possible interview question, I googled the company, and I made sure I knew all answers to scenarios I have been in. a lot of over preparing there. The day before the interview I had to stop and ask myself, “what are you doing?” I realized I was the one pressuring myself. I was prepared. I was going to be honest. I was going to be ME. If they don’t like me, they won’t give me the job. I cannot change who I am. I’m fun, nice, and easygoing. I want to get the job done and hate being bored. All qualities an employee should have. I told myself to shut up. On the way to the interview I turned the radio up and sang along. I relaxed and did not let my anxiety get the best of me.  The interview went good, but I have to wait till after Christmas to hear if I got it and if I didn’t….. It’s probably Illinois I’m coming back home.

The whole point of me telling that story/experience is to let you know that it is possible to overcome anxiety. Out yourself if a different place. Be honest with yourself. This interview for me was bigger than anything. I’m unemployed, I have student loans to pay back, and I might have to move home. Home is 12 hours away. I don’t have a job waiting for me when I go back either. This job interview is my life. I pray I get it, but hope I’m strong enough for the next chapter of what to do if I don’t.

Having anxiety is normal. Being nervous is normal. The thing to do is to figure out how to control it if it gets to be too much. I get nervous about everything, as I pointed out, and I have come up with something that helps me. Before I go to bed at night before whatever is making me anxious, I sit in the dark, take a deep breathe, and tell myself that it is going to be ok. Simple, not really. I give myself a pep talk. Make myself comfortable. Music is my comfort. I make sure I listen to music before whatever it is, or during it, and that calms me down. A good song changes my way of thinking in a snap.


Be positive, don’t look at the negative. Don’t let the negative outcomes weigh you down. Good nervous energy is good, but don’t let the bad nervous energy ruin it for you. Breathe and relax, it will be over before you know it.

I like hearing when famous musicians say that they get nervous before every show. The people who have done it a million times still get nervous, but guess what? They still go out and perform. Also, they mess up sometimes. I have been to two concerts in particular where they artist sings a song and then said, “I started singing at the wrong spot” or “I messed up the lyrics.” Their songs and they messed up? Wow. J We are all human after all.

Overcome it, don’t let it overcome you. If you get anxiety about something, just remember why you are doing it. It will be ok.

Taking chances is supposed to make us nervous, but we all have the power to succeed.

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Friday, December 19, 2014

Everything Happens For A Reason.

That quote is tattooed on my shoulder. I have it as a constant reminder in my life because it is true. I do not know all of the reasons things happen and I may never know them, but I know it happened for a reason. Everything has a purpose. Everything. Life happens and we have to go along with it. A simple conversation with someone can happen and have a lasting effect on us. Words, actions, everything has a meaning. Has a reason.

Do yourself a favor and do not get caught up in life. Don’t get caught up in the negativity of why things happen. You have a chance to grow because of each and every thing that happens in your life and take advantage of that. Life isn’t full of answers, it is full of questions. Ask the right ones. If you ask a wrong one, fix it. The answers are not always going to be given. Find the answers and if you don’t find them, ask better questions. The questions I refer to are our choices in life. The answers are the outcomes. The result of what we chose to do. We are here to live this life. LIVE IT! Don’t hide.

I overthink like crazy. My mind doesn’t shut up. I go through every bad thing that could possible happen, but one thing I always go back to is “whatever happens, happens”. It is going to turn out how it is meant to turn out. I cannot dwell on an outcome. You can’t change the past, even though I wish we could. Move on. Move forward. Without this quote, I might go insane. I tell myself it is going to happen out it is supposed to and I calm down.

Don’t search for the reasons. If they’re meant to be known they will come to you. It is a blessing in disguise that reasons aren’t known to us. With whatever happens, look within yourself for the answer of what to do next. Keep going on whatever path you are trying to walk on.

I don’t know why I chose to move to Georgia and I don’t know why I haven’t gotten a job. I don’t know why I am in the situation I am in. it has just happened this way. I’m growing because of it and I know what not to do next time, but I’m here now and I have to make the best of it. I have to know that something good has to come out of this, even if that something good is me looking back in a year and saying wow. I know I will smile and laugh about it someday and I cannot wait to see what all I will learn from this experience.

I’ve gotten told that the quote “everything happens for a reason” is stupid. Well, everyone is different and some people aren’t going to agree with it, but I live by it. I love it. I am a true believer of those words. As I said above, I have it tattooed on my body. It is that important to me. It’s a big part of my life and my journey to stay positive.

If this quote isn’t the one that speaks to you. Go find one. I did a blog post earlier of many quotes. Find one that you can say to yourself on a daily basis. One that moves you. One that has an impact. 

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Thursday, December 18, 2014

Show Your Srength.

  1. Mental power, force, or vigor.
  2. Moral power, firmness, or courage.
  3. Power by reason of influence, authority, resources, numbers, etc.
  4. Effective force, potency, or cogency.
  5. The power of resisting force.
  6. Vigor of action, language, feeling, etc.

When people knock you down, all they want is to have you give up. Don’t let them win. Show them that you’re stronger than the words they throw at you. If someone says you can’t do it, show them you can. I get told all the time that I am not going to achieve my dreams. I haven’t stopped going after them, but I have stopped talking about them with the people who push me down. To be honest I don’t believe my friends really even know the extent of my dreams. I chose to keep them to myself and the only one that can try to knock me down are the ones that I’ve got to go through to reach my dreams.

My way of doing it isn’t the normal way. Most people would talk with the family and friends about it, but I choose not to. i would prefer to see their reactions in the end if I do make my dreams come true, and if I never make them come true, they will never know.

I have been knocked down many times. Whether it be by family members, who were only trying to help, or friends, or those people who stand in the way of my dreams. I pick myself up. I move forward. Nobody has any business living in the past.
There are many ways to show your strength. Speaking up about it. Moving forward. Not giving up. Etc. the strength you have lies within you and it’s the courage you show when you do something. Let it out. You will never know how strong you really are. It takes courage to do new things and if you don’t do new things, nothing is going to change.

I moved. That took every bit of strength I had. I didn’t want to leave my family. Yes, I moved in with my brother, but it was my parents, my support system, that I was leaving behind. I left my friends, and have yet to make any new ones, due to no job, and that right there also, I left my job. No income. Doing something crazy with all the doubt from everyone. My mom tells me to come home every time I talk to her on the phone, which is typically every day. If I go home it is considered the easy way out. It is taking a lot of strength for me to still be in Georgia, but I know someday I will thank myself for it.

Don’t let people tear you down. Don’t let people win. The way our society is there is always going to be negativity out there and it is going to be aimed at you sometimes. Rise above it. Stay strong. Stay positive. Remember that only you can stand in your own way.

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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Don't Give Up.

We spend our whole lives working towards something. It could be the same thing, or a bunch of different things. I currently am working towards getting a job, saving money, and getting to Nashville. Now I could end up getting a job and saving money and then decide it isn’t worth the work to move to Nashville, but I know that I wouldn’t be happy if I gave up. If it’s something you want, don’t give up. No matter how long it takes you to get it, don’t give up.

That’s a life lesson, follow our dream and never give up. It is something to pay attention to. If you give up, ask yourself if you will be happy. Our dreams change and we might come across a situation where the thing we are working towards isn’t what we want anymore and that is ok, but be sure to replace that dream with a new one. Nashville was never in my dream until 3 years ago. I was ok with living within 2 hours of where I lived growing up and just settling in some small town. Now, that won’t cut it for me.

Pick yourself up when you get knocked down. Tell yourself you can do it, because you can, and move forward. You can’t move forward if you’re stuck in the past. Don’t let past failures bring you down. Keep going.

Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do it. Don’t let anyone tear apart your dream. Listen to your heart and give it all you’ve got. Be strong. Things might have to take a back seat sometimes and be put off for a later time in life, but don’t put it away forever. You owe it to yourself.

Unexpected things are going to happen in life and nothing ever goes as planned. Keep that in mind. Happiness can be shattered. A heart can break. The music can be silenced. Just remember that it can all be fixed with time. Time is a true pain, but also the best thing. Don’t take it for granted. Use your time wisely. Make up for lost time as well.

Don’t give up. Stay strong. Be you.

Shine bright

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Sunday, December 14, 2014

Let It Out.

Lately I have been having a rough time. I moved to Georgia and haven’t been having much luck finding a job. It’s been 4, almost 5, months and I feel like a failure. I know that I couldn’t expect a job overnight and I know that I am new to the job world with the fact that I just graduated college, but I was hoping for better luck.

Lately it’s been harder to stay positive about the whole thing because I feel I can’t talk to anyone anymore. What I mean by that is when I talk to my parents, the same conversation happens. “Have you found a job?” “Are you trying hard enough?” etc. questions like that. I feel bad talking to my friends back home because the only thing I do is complain about no job, no money, no friends, and little things that bother me about my living situation.

I’m grateful for my brother and the opportunity he has given me by letting me stay here and then eventually paying rent when I get a job, but I feel bad. I feel in the way. I feel like I’m an inconvenience to everyone. I love my family and my brother had to remind me tonight that this is what family does for each other. They help each other out.

I try to stay positive. I put on music and dance around my room just to make myself laugh. I paint, which is how I relax, and I watch movies, which makes me happy. I do things that I can, but sometime you just have to cry.

Today all the emotions came out and I’ve been really down. Just laid in bed thinking all day. I think this will actually help me stay positive because I took the time to pay attention to how I really am feeling. I know that I need to make changes in my life, but as far as doing that, I need a job first. I am stressed out and I know finding a job will help me relax.

My suggestion to everyone is to cry it out. Acknowledge when you’re upset otherwise it is going to get bottled up and it could turn into something ugly. It’s ok to cry. It’s ok to feel weak. At the end of the day, I can tell myself it is going to be ok. Even though it isn’t at this exact moment, doesn’t mean it’s going to be like this forever.

Life is full of highs and lows. Sometime the lows are really hard, but if you learn to pick yourself up after, you’re going to be just fine. The only reason that you will remain in a low part in your life is because you chose to stay there. I am going to take some time to get to a high part in my life again, but that doesn’t mean I am giving up. I know what I need to do to get there and I’m going to continue to work towards that.

Let it out. Scream! Don’t let things bother you for long periods of times. Talk to someone, vent. Cry. Do whatever it is that you need to do to be able to move forward. We all have days where we aren’t full of smiles. That is a part of being human. No one person is positive all the time. Remember that.

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Thursday, December 11, 2014

This Is Why.

  • Why do you write this blog?
  • Nobody is going to read it.
  • It isn’t very good.
  • Might as well stop now.

Those are just a few thoughts that go through my head when I think about this blog. The reason I do write it is because I’m writing it for ME. This is for me. A reminder. I want to write this blog as if I am writing to myself. I choose the titles of each blog because they are things that I struggle with sometimes.

Taking Chances: scares me to do so.
No Regrets: I sometime find it hard to not regret things
Dream Big: my dreams are big and failure scares me.
Find Your Quote: these can make my day go from bad to good.
Just Breathe: I forget to do that sometimes.

I don’t claim to be positive all the time. This blog is a way of taking my own advice. I do think everything I say is true to being a content person within your own life. Nobody might read it and I am just talking to myself, but that is the whole point.

I hope that if someone does read this blog they can take the titles and what is written into the post and think about how it effects them. Are you taking chance? If not, are you bored with your life? Are you chasing a dream? Are you scared? I am chasing a few dreams right now and I am scared out of my mind that I am going to fail, but I know if I give up… I won’t be happy. If I keep trying, but never reach them I can still say I tried.

I have bad anxiety so my mind goes crazy sometimes. The bad part is that it is mostly negativity that takes over my mind and this blog is a way to keep me going. I want to be a positive person, but being worried all the time does take a toll on my thoughts. I work through it, but sometimes im so nervous that I hate it. I want this blog to help me to control my anxiety instead of getting prescribed medication.

I don’t expect anyone to read this blog and think that I have a talent for writing. I expect me to read this blog and know that being positive is a possibility even when negativity is being thrown at me left and right. I take each day as it comes.

This is for me.

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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Just Breathe

Take a moment and take a deep breathe.

Life can be overwhelming sometimes and we can get lost in the day to day routines that we face but it is important to slow down for a moment and just stop. Leave the negativity behind and focus on the positive. Life isn't going anywhere, but the seconds are. Don't be afraid to slow it down.

Don't take for granted anything in life. Everything can be gone tomorrow. Don't lose yourself in the things around you. Remember what is important to you. Remember that today is a gift and tomorrow is never promised. Forget why you hate your job. Be thankful you have one. Forget who made you mad. Spend time with friends.

No matter what happens in life. You're still breathing.

You might find yourself about to do something life changing and maybe dealing with anxiety over it, but that means you're about to take a chance and that is what life is all about. If you're worried, remember why you're doing it in the first place. Take a step back and breathe. Its going to be ok even if the outcome is not what you expect. We are all humans and we all make mistakes. Some mistakes are harder to bounce back from, but know you can do it.

Life changes when you don't expect it. Nobody is ever really prepared. Breathe and you'll get through it. If something goes wrong, you have the power to take control of it. Don't let life scare you. Moments of weakness happen, but we all have the strength in ourselves to do anything. 

I personally stop, close my eyes, and take a deep breath all the time. It helps. I have bad anxiety and those little moments are game changes for me.

Just breathe. Stay positive.

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Monday, December 8, 2014

Find Your Quote.

A simple quote has the power to change the way you think. Find a quote that speaks to you and it can change your life.

Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things. - Robert Brault

In life you are either a passenger or a pilot, it's your choice. –Unknown

Do just once what others say you can't do, and you will never pay attention to their limitations again. - James R. Cook

Don't go through life, grow through life. - Eric Butterworth

Remember happiness doesn't depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends solely on what you think. -Dale Carnegie

You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them. -Michael Jordan

I always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter. - Walt Disney

Pain is nothing compared to what it feels like to quit. –Unknown

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. -Eleanor Roosevelt

All great achievements require time. - Maya Angelou

Unless you change how you are, you will always have what you've got. - Jim Rohn

Judge nothing, you will be happy. Forgive everything, you will be happier. Love everything, you will be happiest. -Sri Chinmoy

Happiness cannot come from without. It must come from within. -Helen Keller

Forever is composed of nows. -Emily Dickinson

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Sunday, December 7, 2014

Dream Big

  1. A series of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep.
  2. A daydream; a reverie.
  3. A state of abstraction; a trance.
  4. A wild fancy or hope.
  5. A condition or achievement that is longed for; an aspiration.
  6. One that is exceptionally gratifying, excellent, or beautiful.

Who hasn’t had a dream that is so big that even you feel you won’t reach it? I have. I have a ton of dreams that deep down I know may never happen, but that doesn’t stop me from dreaming. I say all the time “we all want to be famous” and the reason I say that is because I have so many ambitions that involve singing, acting, writing, and even photography and I hope that they all can come true in some way for me. I keep those dreams to myself a lot, but hint… I wonder why I chose Nashville. J

Having a dream that is out of reach, I feel, is fun. It makes it harder to obtain, but once you get it, it will mean so much more. There is always the possibility that a dream might not ever come true, but that isn’t a reason to give up.

My dreams.
·        Music: I’m moving to Nashville. Even if I don’t become a part of the music, surrounding myself with it will be enough for me. Or I can settle for posting videos on YouTube, maybe.
·        Acting: I just have a dream of doing it because it is so out there. I know this is never a possibility so I collect movies to compensate J
·        Writing: I would love to be someone that does interview and writes for people to read, but I don’t know about that one. I’ll settle for writing m blog.
·        Photography: now this one is possible. Become famous on Instagram haha. I am just kidding, but I do plan on taking photography classes in the next few years.

I don’t sell myself short on the things that I want to do. I also want to learn how to dance. Mostly to get into shape, but because it looks like fun.

A rule in life is to not sell yourself short. Some dreams are going to come more easily to you, some are going to be harder, and some are not going to be obtained. It is a matter of moving forward towards those dreams and not ever giving up. The worst thing you can do is give up. You can always take a break from trying to get there, but don’t let a dream die. It was a part of you for a reason.

A life without dreams wouldn’t be much fun. I would be bored out of my mind. When I was a kid I remember the “what do I want to be when I grow up” question and feeling like the possibilities are endless. I never want to lose that feeling. The sky is the limit and I’m not going to stop until I reach the stars. Sounds corny or something off of a quote you find on Pinterest, but I would be lying if I didn’t really feel that way. You can always make changes in your life and you’re never too old to find a new dream.

A promise to keep to yourself is to never let anyone tell you that you aren’t good enough or that you will never make it. It may be a step backwards when someone says that, but it isn’t a failure. Push yourself and know that anything is possible. Your dreams are not their dreams so they don’t know how much it means to you. Show them what you’ve go. Take a chance, be brave, and shock yourself. Know that someone is cheering you on and that someone is you.

Live with passion. Grow from every obstacle. Dream big.

dream. (n.d.) The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. (2003). Retrieved December 7 2014 from

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Saturday, December 6, 2014

No Regrets

One thing that I find it hard to do in life is to have no regrets. There are many things to regret in life and the worst thing that you can regret is the chances you never took.

Regrets and mistakes go hand in hand and a personal mistake/regret I have to deal with right now is the fact that I shouldn’t have moved when I did. I had a plan to wait at least one year after graduation before I moved. I wanted to move to Nashville prepared and ready for whatever life threw at me. Georgia was not even part of the plan. The problem with all of this is that I did move when I did and I cannot go back in time and start over so I have to make the best of it. The positive side of things is that Georgia can open doors for me, when I find a job, and can give me experience that I wouldn’t have gotten if I were still in my small town in Illinois.

Be positive! Don’t look at the negative in everything.

Being positive can change your life in itself. If you’re negative about everything the regrets are going to haunt you and you won’t be able to move forward. Moving forward is how you learn from your mistakes. If you don’t allow yourself to learn, the mistake will constantly repeat itself. No one person is perfect in life and take pride in how imperfect you are.

Prepare yourself for future bumps in the road by learning from your mistakes and learning how to move forward after you make a mistake.

Of course it isn’t easy to be positive all the time and nobody is positive all the time. Everyone has their own moment of negativity and the difference is how a person deals with it. Negativity could take over for a minute for some and then be gone, but for others it could take a lot longer to see the positive side of things.

My favorite thing to do is to think of the quote “Everything Happens for a Reason”. You may not know the reasons right away or at all for why something happened, but its best to keep it in mind. If it didn’t happen, make something else happen. Don’t give up.

An error in action, calculation, opinion, or judgment caused by poor reasoning, carelessness, insufficient knowledge, etc.


To feel sorrow or remorse for (an act, fault, disappointment, etc.)


Mistakes cause regrets. Live through it. Live because of it. Make things better the next time around. Life goes on. Stay Positive.

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Taking Chances

My first blog post is going to be one to introduce myself.

Hello, my name is Randi Renee Long. I am from the very small town of Thomson, Illinois. I lived there my whole life until I graduated high school and moved one town over to Fulton, Illinois. While living in Fulton I attended college in Clinton, Iowa and Ashford University. I graduated May 2014 with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and I studied Human Resource Management as my minor.

Leading up to graduating college I knew that I didn’t want to stay in the small town I was living in and decided that I needed to get out. I decided that Nashville, Tennessee is where I want to spend the rest of my life living. Something about the city called my name and I couldn’t seem to get it to shut up. My family has doubts in me, but what is the point of living if you don’t take chances?

I got an invite from my sister-in-law to come move with her, my brother, and my niece in Georgia. Initial thought was that it is not Nashville, but it is only 4 hours away from Nashville. On August 5th, 2014 I moved to Georgia and left everything behind.

I miss my friends, I miss my close relationship with my dad and mom, and I miss feeling like I knew where my life was going. Ever since I got to Georgia I have been unemployed and have been having trouble finding a job. My brother is irritated by my lack of money coming in since he said he won’t charge me rent until I get a job (I feel bad). My mom is trying to force me to come home and making me feel like I’m a failure. My dad doesn’t want me to come home because he knows I wasn’t happy and my dreams don’t belong in Illinois.

I have to try to stay positive which is hard because I have so much negativity going on in my life right now. My mom and I aren’t speaking, I feel my brother wants to kick me out, and I don’t have any friends here in Georgia. I spend my days up in my room here job searching and watching movies.

Good news came when I came back from Illinois for thanksgiving. I had a phone interview for a temporary human resource assistant job. That went well because I have an in person interview on 12/9, Tuesday. Wish me luck. I am so nervous I might fail at this job, but nervous also that I won’t get hired. I want to succeed and know that I am capable of it, but it is hard to not worry.

Wish me luck and I hope that taking this chance to move to Georgia pays off.

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